A Guided Mantra Meditation to connect you to the your ‘Breath, your CENTER’, inner peace and So Hum. Sound, Breath and Silence! Invoke the mantra of SoHum. A mantra meditation practice is a useful tool to assist you in quieting the mind, body, heart and soul. The repetition of the mantra will create the space need to dip into your inner quiet. The benefit of access your stillness is that you create the space to replenish and rejuvenate your mind, body and heart. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to take break from the outside world and be with self.
Meaning of So Hum, “I am that. Therefore, I am.” There is a similar mantra, aha brahmasmi, which means I am the universe or I am all things. The contemplation of these two mantras can help you understand the non-dualistic nature of the universe and life that is unfolding around us. In addition, this can help us on a daily basis to drop judgement of self and others. Finally, these mantras become the guide that helps us move beyond what we think we know.
Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation.
Sound and Silence Meditation…Listen Heart to Mind’s Eye..Connecting to your Peace, Voice and Heart!
Thru the use of a mantra it will assist you in accessing the “gap”. The gap is a place where all things exist and do not exist. The still point of the gap is the ultimate regeneration medicine. This reboot does not include hearing, seeing or feeling it is complete nothingness.
If you would like to learn more about meditation and want to practice one on one…please contact She (aka Suzanne)
Music She’ and Music The Album Leaf Summer Fog
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