The Sacred Feminine and Masculine. Learn how to identify where you are out of balance. In this segment we explore how to find balance internally and externally. We will explore how we embody respect for self and give respect to others. In addition, ‘she’ will share how to get out of patterns that are limiting and sabotage life.
Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self?
Parables shared…Walk through a guided clearing experience and meditation. This episode will assist you in coming into Balance…
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This segment will build on last weeks post on Love. Self Reliance. Part III
More than not, I hear from students, clients and radio listeners how they struggle with feeling alone and do not truly love themselves. Which is often reflective in the relationships they maintain in the world around them. In this segment, you will discover how self-reliance will assist you ending co-dependent relationships.
First, you will explore what self love is. You will learn how to cultivate self care and reliance. Second, you will examine how self reliance will assist in creating balance in your life. Third, you will learn how to identify and end patterns of dependency. I will reveal how self love is the key to being empowered. Furthermore, I will guide through a self-love visualization and meditation. Finally, I will explain why self-reliance will assist you in cultivating inner peace and happiness.
Self-Worth and Dignity.
Self worth and dignity are within you. Learn how to remember your self worth and embody your dignity. Often times, you might want to demand that others show you respect or see the value in what you have to offer. However, rather than stomp your feet and scream, practice embodying your value and respecting yourself. This simple practice will invite others to see your worth and inspire them to honor you.
Call to ACTION
1. Cultivate love through practicing embodying your dignity (aka self respect) and objectively discovering what self reliance is.
2. Daily Meditation 10 minutes-30 minutes
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Music by Elizaveta…Dreamer
and Lovng From Within
BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)
Move Into Action…Mindfully (Click HERE)
Meditate on Alone.
Discover you are not alone. Connect to your Inner Voice, Heart and Journey HUM. An opportunity to let go of your suffering.
Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation. Sound and Silence Meditation…Listen to your Heart.
Simply take a short respite for your inner well being. (Click Here)
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’