Join ‘She’ for 54 minutes to work on the Inner Self.
During this segment:
Free d’ OM. Letting GO of the addiction, VICE, Dependency…road to REcovery. Exploring your inner voice, knowing and external signals…when it is time to LET GO. We are a society of addiction…and we often we are to afraid to surrender into PEACE.
Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self?
Please send in your questions to or call in during the episode.
Music by Donna De Lory In The Sun Mix
Shakin the Tree The String Cheese Incident
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition ?
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?Connect with Suzanne one-on-one…visit
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