I have always been very sensitive to the world around me and this picture says it best. As a younger child, I would spontaneously cry and was not able to explain to my family why. It was not that I was sad, I was literally feeling other people’s sadness, stress and suffering. My senses would bring on tears rapidly. I can pick up on these emotions no matter where person(s) are in the world. I understand now that it is a call for relief and help from another.
My sensitivity has only increased as my “practices” have deepened. Daily, I meditate and pray for the benefit of all beings in the universe. However, with that comes many things. I am sharing this because of what I experienced yesterday. I woke up feeling a deep sadness in my heart that was not my own. I thought it might be connected to a friend or a client. Yet, after speaking to both the suffering would not leave. I prayed for this person deeply, my dog even sat there and kissed my hand as I prayed. Which brought me back to years ago on the Fourth of July, I was feeling the same way. I could not shake it. I learned the next day a family friend’s son had passed away in a tragic accident. I then understood where the suffering was coming from. With this information, I could deepen the prayers directly for the person and family.
This feeling yesterday was like that. Then, I realized that the movie, Sound of Freedom, was released. The subject of this movie is near and dear to my heart. I have been actively participating in raising awareness around this topic for almost 2 decades (yet most do not want to talk about it). In addition, I have helped several of my clients process and heal from this horrific part of our world and being trafficked. As, I went to bed last night realizing so many watched this movie yesterday. Many were not even prepared for the movie…how could anyone be prepared to learn about this. I feel the movie is breaking open the heart of humanity. It is sobering and haunting in the same breath. While it remains to be confirmed as to where the origination of this feeling was coming from to me and still is lingering today. I know an aspect was coming another wave of awareness rising.
Which leads me to the reason…I share this on my birthday is because I want to give everyone something today. While I am in specific practices that give me the opportunity to pray and meditate daily for the benefit of all. That includes each and everyone of you. What I want to give you all today is an invitation to look beyond what you think you know and a few tools to digest what you might not be ready for.
1. It takes great courage to understand how this world system has been operating. It will take even greater courage to stop supporting it. The simplest way to combat that which is shown in the above mentioned movie…is become informed and stop engaging with the people, places and things that are the infrastructure of this global issue. It is a big network and you can pick one area to adjust where you spend your money, who you put up on a pedestal and what you have blind faith in. Start with one action of solidarity or some action that resonates with you.
2. Pray. Meditate and include others in those wishes, prayers and/or silence. You do not need to impose anything on them (not even the solution) simply pray for all. If you have a specific faith, use that but please do not use your faith to be greater than or shame others. This is abuse and defeats the purpose. Everyone has their own path and based on how I have counseled many at the end of life practicing a wide range of faiths. I can say…It is a path and there are many paths…all leading everyone home.
3. Choose to counter balance the darkness in the world by doing your inner work. Nourish. Balance your MIND, HEART, BODY AND SOUL DAILY. If you are in balance and harmony, you will not participate indirectly or directly in the world of trafficking and all it is connected to.
4. As one Hopi had said and it has quoted many times over, “we are the ones we are waiting for.” We as a fellow humanity need to make this atrocity right. For those of you reading this that have participated in this underbelly of our world system. Please get help and leave these circles.
5. If you are feeling alone, overwhelmed or are deeply suffering, please find someone to talk to. I am here and many are here. Having an active and present listener can help you more than you can ever imagine. Your suffering is real. It is not less than because someone else’s appears to be greater. If you heal, society will eventually heal.
As inspired, PICK any or all of the above.
Finally, I want to thank my family for giving me life and modeling the foundation of our life together…has been and always will be LOVE.
I love you humanity. My deepest prayer is that all beings everywhere be free of suffering and remember the true causes of happiness. LOVE. .St
Late Summer Seasonal Focus: Rebuilding Trust from within and with Mother Nature. This broadcast includes seasonal recipes, well being tips and a skin conversation with Formula Flawless, Founder, Rae Indigo.
Learn how to listen to you.
Seasonal food conversations with a deep passion to serve your well being and the well being of others

BeSimply…LoveSelf {Sacral Healing}
Episode 1 (Click Here to Listen)
The sacral region. Healing and Sexual Violation…What it is and how we can stop participating. The path to healing…How to learn to stand in your own truth and avoid being manipulated and/or manipulate others. The need to control or be controled is rooted in a base fear. We will explore fears, manipulations, and the practice to release the cycle or manipulation within the sexual violation cycle.
Episode 2: (Click Here to Listen)
The Sacral Region. Healing, Transforming and Embodying the Sacredness…Part II Become Empowered by the Possibility. What it is and how we can stop participating. The path to healing…How to learn to stand in your own truth and avoid being manipulated and/or manipulate others. The need to control or be controled is rooted in a base fear. We will explore fears, manipulations, and the practice to release the cycle and reconnect to your sacredness. The things we might of wish we had known earlier in life…
Episode 3: (Click Here to Listen)
The Sacral Region. Healing, Transforming and Embodying the Sacredness…Part III Embracing the sacredness of the sacral region…Tools revealed to transform, heal and embrace your inner potential and creativity. This is a beautiful segment to share with teens and ‘self’.

Simply shared…
You are Whole.
You are in Harmony.
You are at Peace.
You are Divine Love.
May these frequencies meet you with love, joy, compassion and peace. -.St