“Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart.” — Patanjali
This week, we dive into the power of the remembrance of innocence. From this place of innocence, you will embody the purity of energy that leads you to doing your part in assisting in an inner and outer evolution…for the benefit of all.
Your innocence was never taken, it was only forgotten. It is your responsibility to reclaim it and nourish it daily. Within the innocence of all that you are, you have the opportunity to live, create and be in the resonance of purity. It is you who decides. if you are willing to make this contribution to yourself and the world around you. This resonance protects your ancestral lineage and creates a most certain way of being.
In a spiritual practice, especially in the practice of the Tao, 8 Limbs of Yoga, Eastern Meditation Practices and Simply Silent Meditation, you are lead to this place of innocence (a.k.a. remembrance). Bit by bit you remember the importance of your purity.
Purity walks hand in hand with innocence. It is retained by awareness. Awareness is an objective state of being that will assist each self in seeing ‘what is’. That awareness creates a vehicle to observe and flow with life from your original state of innocence. This remembrance is your key to retaining your free will and being in an interdependent relationship with all that is around you…nature.
As a society, we can help one and another remember our innocence by protecting it from within and by protecting our children’s innocence. The world at large has valued grasping from the mind and objectification of the mind, heart, body and soul. We have been programmed that the world is many things that perpetuate suffering; yet, I would retort that human nature is kind, compassionate and free. It is not based on control, fear, harm, duality or conditions. To be acknowledged, within this world system there is a natural life cycle with an appearance of a beginning and end. However, the cycle of life is the catalyst to our eternal evolution. It creates the constant change. We expand, grow, transform and flow from the dynamic purity of innocence. Your soul is the eternal gatekeeper of your wisdom and travels through the infinite. You, in the present moment and many more moments beyond here, are an expression of this dynamic dance of energy. Which expresses itself as LIFE.
If inspired, take a few moments to return to your innocence and re-engage with the world with a beginner’s mind. With the fresh perspective and your inner wisdom you will arrive to a place of deeper intimacy with yourself, life and those you choose to relate with. From this place of innocence, you will embody the purity of energy that leads you to doing your part…leading an inner and outer evolution for the benefit of all. ~.sT
May all beings everywhere remember the true causes of happiness. LOVE. Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
“innocence is truth itself” ~ ozenrajneesh
“The heart is the thousand – stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love.” Hafiz.
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