The Way of the HEART
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We will explore ‘love’ and it the powerful gifts it holds in the heart center. These tools of breathwork, guided imagery, and wisdom will assist in clearing the heart and the mind. Ultimately cultivating compassion, joy, peace, harmony and balance to assist us in loving ourself from within. We reflect on nature and how it supports our life force and our collective heart energy.
Music by
The Way of the HEART (Part II)
...lokah samastha sukhino bhavantu
Click (Here) to Listen Now or Download for the NEXT!
We will continue explore ‘love’ and it the powerful gifts it holds in the heart center. These tools of breathwork, guided imagery, and wisdom will assist in clearing the heart and the mind. Ultimately cultivating compassion, joy, peace, harmony and balance to assist us in loving ourself from within. We reflect on nature and how it supports our life force and our collective heart energy. While revealing the conditions for happiness.
Music by
Anne Heaton Alchemist
Shylah Ray Sunshine On Namah Shivayah
Hymanalyah Random Rab
Dave Stringer Band…Lokah samastha sukhino bhavantu
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Connect with ‘She’
She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide. She will connect you with Self through: Sound&Silence, Way of Yoga & Tea, Food Alchemy, Wisdom & Play.
Move into pregnancy, labor and motherhood with support and grace connect…Suzanne Toro?
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?Connect with Suzanne one-on-one…visit
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Embrace the medicine of Essential Living Foods. Ascended Health ~ Energetic Healing Products 'She' especially loves and uses on a regular basis Sufi Bliss Ascension Oil and Oralive.