Doubt. Learn how to let go of doubt. Decide when to listen to ‘doubt’ and how to move beyond it. She will share what it is useful for. Furthermore, you will explore why and how doubt creates an obstacle with your internal and external state of being. By taking time to recognize when and where you have created a problem with doubt, by inserting a perspective that is based on your uncertainties, fears and past experiences that are rooted in mistrust, you will begin to access more self awareness in your life and can begin to take responsibility for your thoughts, words and action. You will be inspired to cultivate the situations that are beneficial in your life . When, you begin to identify the pattern there is an opportunity to shift your perspective and redirect your energy. In addition, you will learn how to make peace with your past, drop judgements (internal and external) and learn from life’s lessons.
Practice…as inspired
Drop Judgement of ‘self’ and others
Offer solutions to ‘self’ and 0thers
Focus your energy where it is beneficial to ‘self’ and others
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Learn how to Respect Self and Others. (Click Here)
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’