Ahh ‘She’ spontaneously was introduced to Lorianne on skype and through holding a piece of her work in her hand. She was inspired by Lorianne’s beauty, her creations and her authenticity in her candor. As the dialogue went back and forth, they were finally ready to reconnect in this realm.
Enjoy the conversation. Lorian ‘GRAIL’ shares the wisdom of her creations, the gift of nature, the discovery of childhood dreams, and the remembrance of worlds that exist in other dimensions.
Recent Poem from her Blog…
Within silence, surrounded by the essence of your lover’s heart, and the light of a shining moon, the I emerges.
The perfume of magick is subtle, gentle, sublime. The pulse of enchantment, the breath of home.
Crucial nourishment for the Fae heart, but it is in silence, tinted with love, that the infusion realizes.
Art is Magick.
The expansion of reality through the Creator’s will. Inspiration is the seed of this will. Artists are the Magi.
A gradient metamorphosis through varied paths left me wandering, and I have not been tending to my seed.
But under the light of this shining moon, I drink from the silver Elixir tray, a glittering essence in lilac, contained within a flower-shaped glass vial. The pulse becomes stronger, the breath takes hold..
Remembrance of I, in silence, an infusion.
A love profusion in the expression of my soul.—Lorian Grail
Lorianne Grail at Plumevine.com on Facebook
Plumevine at Etsy Twitter Lorian Grail at Beautifully Natural
Music Tori Amos
Shining a Light ON: ServiceSpace
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition?
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