“Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to the farthest shore. It is intuitive, omniscient, and beyond all divisions of time and space.” — Patanjali
Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the NEW moon in a month currently identified as February, in the 1st Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition). Happy Losar. The NEW Moon and the season of WINTER transitioning to spring invites you into be with still with what is rising up and sifting out of your entire being. Preparing your being and the seeds you are ready to plant for the upcoming seasonal change. The sky, sun, moon, stars, clouds, trees, earth and sea are communicating to each of you. When possible, take a few moments to engage with your mind’s eye, imagination and the wonderment of a child’s gaze and a heart of love. The silence will assist you continue to honor mother earth’s winter season for rest…just be as you prepare to recalibrate, release and resonate with the world you are ready transform and change with.
We are transitioning from the Yin (water) and Yang (fire) on Planet Earth. A simultaneous flip. The warm fire is welcoming us all home in the north to be with the sacred water reflections in both spring and fall. Water + Fire will offer and usher us into the depths of creative incubation and into the climax of dynamic action. As we pass the energy of creation (water) off to our brothers and sisters in the southern hemisphere…we get clear with our inner fire. Your life force and the energy you want to carry into the new. Hold it there. Exchange your precious energy with discernment.
This moment invites us to remember where we want to resonate, what we are ready to release, and recalibrate from within. Your grace, ease and energy that when all harnessed together create a dynamic outcome that is fluid and in harmony with all that is.
The New Moon Moon Arrives(d) today, February 19 (20), 2023 at 11:09 P.M. PST
May you gaze up at the night sky and see the reflection of the stars and potentially see a ‘hokulele’ a flying star offering you the opportunity not only to wish but to move with your grace.
“Why not become the one who lives with a full moon in each eye that is always saying, with that sweet moon language, what every other eye in this world is dying to hear?” ~ Hafez
Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the FULL moon in a month currently identified as March the 7th day of the month in the 1st Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition). The FULL Moon and the season of WINTER is quickly coming to a close. As we feel the energy and the element of wood rising, it will be important for you to decide how you want to harness that energy. In addition, you will want to decide where you want to give the potency that is given to you at the FULL MOON. Finally, you will want to resonate and calibrate at the frequency that is aligned with your highest. (even if you feel like your engine is out of FUEL). Dig deep. The energy of this lunar cycle is a gift and an opportunity to harness the extra charge and save it to use internally and externally.
We are now full throttle heading for the flip from Yin (water) to Yang (fire) in the Northern Hemisphere on Planet Earth. The warm fire welcomes us all home to be with the sacred water reflections in both spring and fall. Water + Fire will invite us to plant those seeds we have nurtured all winter. Simultaneously we will prepare for dynamic action and forward motion by clearing and purifying all the spaces in and around us. The extra SPACE will create room for the NEW.
The Full Moon Moon Arrives(d) today, Tuesday, March 7, at 4:42 A.M PST