“Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.”
Lakota Prayer
Today, I welcome you to sit with the two paths that have emerged for all of humanity. We have a destination on one of those paths and limited space to change our mind. There is no need to worry. This is an opportunity to let go, trust and deepen your inner and outer faith in all that is and is not. As you create the space to receive this dharma teaching and sit with the silence and sound, I give thanks for you being here.
As inspired, ground in your heart, clear your mind and weave for the benefit of all.
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
“Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.” – Hafez

New Earth
Living Tea
Formula Flawless
Take Charge of Your Present + Future Health

“A super-blend of beautifying herbs that nourish the body from the inside out.
Inspired by ancient Daoist tonic herbal wisdom, the Beauty Blend brings vitality to skin, hair, nails, and fascia.
SuperFeast Beauty Blend is a combination of the Orient’s most revered beautifying tonic herbs, traditionally used to promote both inner and outer radiance by preserving youthfulness.
Enlivening the body’s purification pathways, organ systems, and meridian channels, this stunning blend allows vitality to flourish.
This is a superior liver-loving formula, enhancing the ability of the Liver system to cleanse the Blood, increasing the body’s capacity to eliminate toxins, and cultivating vibrancy and lightness.
The Liver in Chinese medicine is responsible for the health of the skin, nails, hair (with the Kidneys), and ligaments/tendons, as well as the quality and movement of the Blood and Qi in the body.
This formula is designed to support the Yin of the Liver, to help restore harmony and the herbs in this formula have been used in combination for thousands of years.
We’ve added mineral-rich pearl powder, a beautiful Shen tonic that also supports the integrity and healthy skin, hair, and nails.
SuperFeast Beauty Blend herbs are sourced Dì Dào (地道) from herb-producing regions of China.
Beauty Blend has no known contraindications. Care must be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding; use only under the guidance of an experienced healthcare provider.
SuperFeast Beauty Blend contains pearl powder; some vegans may wish to avoid this product. Note that oysters are not harmed to produce pearl powder.
Store below 30°C.
Keep out of reach of children.
Packed in Australia from imported ingredients.
Talk to a TCM practitioner/health professional if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.
If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.” ~Superfeast

Cacao Power Bites
minutesEnergy YUM...Make FUN! If inspired, nourish you with a power packed pick me UP... Making food that will benefit your well being and a simple way to assist in shifting the local/national food economics. (The foods we buy shifts supply and demand. More demand for clean foods. Shifts the world agricultural system. Eating less (if you think it costs more) leaves more food for others).
1 1/2 cups raw walnut halves
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup goji berries
1/4 cup dark chocolate chunks
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon mayan spice blend by she
1 cup soft dates, pitted (about 10 Medjool dates)
1 tablespoon water
Soak the nuts in fresh water over night.
Drain and blend in a food processor. Then, add the dates.
Blend till these (2) ingredients have merged.
Place in glass bowl and hand blend all the remaining ingredients.
Finally, hand roll with love pouring from your heart and mind. Roll in Cocoa.
Enjoy. Store in a cool place.

Collaboration with Shef. Suzanne Toro is creator of revolutionary Bare Naked Dinners, Suzanne provides guests with atantalizing culinaryexperience designed to inspire conversation and laughter while encouraging innerawareness,during which guests can lower their walls and open up to one another in a positive and enrichingmannerwhile dining on sumptuous cuisine. Suzanne is a Food Alchemist with her wanderlust heartand cultural roots thatinfluence her recipes and menus. Italian, Mediterranean, Island Nations andAsia are some of the regions of the worldthat have shaped the food she prepares for others.Furthermore, she is passionate about serving clean, organic cuisinethat will nourish your well being.Finally, she infuses Seasonal foods, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Herbalism intoher dishes. Theresult…balance.