I sat down on the eve of 11.11 to write you this letter. This number is of significance for me because it means NOW…pay attention to the synchronicity. Something is being revealed to you. For others this is a day to remember all the people who have served the US armed forces. As these two dates converge with many imposed conflicts still existing around the world. I stand in gratitude next to this wise old tree in the great North West of British Columbia with confusion still running through my mind. I am continuously reminded of the peace and love has the potential to be embodied by all of US. While, we have all this understanding of our ecosystem, humanity and consciousness. We are still settling for fighting as means to find a resolution to our own fears. My Grandfather and Father served in the armed forces and as far as I am concerned this could have been the beginning to the end of violence as a means for solving conflicts. When I was a child, I was shown over and over this point and time the many endless battles. I would trace my mind for a resolution, a different way to resolve our fears and misunderstandings. I came up with many options; however, my father would always point out how that each could lead to a similar situation that we are in today. It became obvious we needed to remove the competition —the battle. Today, I turn to this wise old tree that stands in service to our planet and humanity. He does not yell at me or ask me to fight with him. Nor does he project fear or feel overwhelmed at what lies before him each day. He shows up everyday and does his part. He provides US with oxygen and no mater what words cross my lips he still takes them in and transforms that energy into clean air. For those who are exhausted by the endless battles and are ready to get to work and transform this planet through peace and love rather than fear. I invite you to stand up in solidarity with US, next to your favorite tree. Leave your mark or make a fun expression. Don’t forget a big HUG! If your inspired, send me your pictures or post them around. For me our world can be this LOVE + PEACE = Happiness. Today is 11:11 the time is now to take action and birth a planet that is filled with solutions not revolutions. Remember we truly have nothing to Fear but Fear itself. I love you all and thank all of you for doing your part. Deep BOW…Suzanne Things of interest: Join US tonight: New Reality Transmission 11:11 World Kindness Day 11.13 Bridge In Service, Suzanne