As the world turns, humanity is being asked to migrate in many different ways. During this moment of transition, there are many things to consider and new opportunities on the horizon. My focus within OmToro Wellness and Media Company is to encourage each ‘self’ to work towards ‘self’ reliance, transformation and retain an interdependent relationship with the world’s ecosystem. In addition, I recommend that all beings retain their free will, an open mind and clear heart. The emotional climate and algorithms on the world wide web are designed to create division, separation, emotional instability, addiction, confusion and so much more. With this being acknowledged, I have decided to dedicate more time here to provide education, inspiration and wisdom for the benefit of humanity. In the near future, OmToro Wellness & Media will be offering complimentary services to deepen this focus.
This transition is very significant for all of us. I encourage you to take a pause and evaluate what has been presented to you in the last year. Then, stop and connect with your humanity. We are at a fork in the road within human evolution and our karmic cycles. One path mirrors nature and the other will mirror artificial nature. There might be a middle path…we shall see. In the meantime, it will be important for each ‘self’ to investigate what that means for you in the present and future. In the near next, a moment might arrive that you will have to decide which path you want to walk down. The good news is, if you change your mind and it is your destiny, you will be able to find a route back onto the other road. If you want to discuss what this means for you, please send me an email or sign up for a “Listening and Tea” Session. I can help you understand what is on the horizon during this session. (Listening and Tea)
As inspired, please check back here to see what is posted during each week. (To be noted, I will be sharing all content posted from here out into social media)
Finally, remember you are not alone. I am here. You are loved by me and many. Rock Steady.

“Perfection in asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.”
Weekly Dharma Talks
Here are links on your favorite streaming service:
AmazonMusic Spotify ITunes IHeart Google Podcasts TuneIN Alexa BlogTalkRadio Pandora
Overview:Sol Sunday…DharmaTalk with ‘She’ (AKA Suzanne Toro)
8 Limbs of Yoga with sound healing and silent meditation. Focus: Asanas
Exploring Rite Action, Humanity and your gifts. Take a Pause. Listen. Focus. Sacred Life. Sacred Relations. Sacred Body.Mind.Heart.Soul.
“This is true of the physical powers, and of those which dwell in the higher vestures. There must be, first, purity; as the blood must be pure, before one can attain physical health. But the absence of impurity is not in itself enough, else would many nerveless ascetics of the cloisters rank as high saints. There is needed, further, a positive fire of the will; a keen vital vigor for the physical powers, and something finer, purer, stronger, but of kindred essence, for the higher powers. The fire of genius is something more than a phrase, for there can be no genius without the celestial fire of the awakened spiritual will.”
~ Patanjali
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivating inner peace.
Previous Segments:
8 Limbs of Yoga: Introduction.
Limb 1: Yamas
Limb 2: Niyamas
Music (As Inspired, Support the Arts & Creation):
Music Random Rab
Aham Prema: Donna DeLory
Sound: Suzanne Toro

“We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs nothing. We should plague everyone with joy.
If we are to die in a minute, why not die happily, laughing? (136-137)”
― Sri S. Satchidananda, The Yoga Sutra

Monthly Sol+Luna Support & Nourishment
Is Back in April. The next shipment will depart on 4/4. This is a great way to stay in the harmony with the cycles of nature and you. Each package is reflective of the upcoming moon and solar cycles.
Simply order prior to then. Simply, Click Here to order.
Connect with

On-Going Food Alchemy Cooking Class
Ready to engage with the world again. Here is a great way to create a bridge back into the world with food. You can gather some friends for an evening of cooking and dining or enjoy a personalized one-on-one class. Classes can be held local and non-local.
Inquire with Suzanne at S@SuzanneToro.com. Click Here to learn more.

Respect Yourself.
Food Alchemy and Well Being.
Learn More Click HERE