Food Alchemy…Listening to YOU! Connecting deeper to food, others and our world system. During this segment, we will explore how to nourish self with ease….simple ways to keep nourishing foods available and how to effortlessly prepare meals and snack. In addition, ‘She’ will share check into how to listen to your body and identify how to bring balance to your life by deepen your connection to self. Cultivating inner and external ease in your life….tuning into your inner fire.
Music Hello Sunshine Jimmy Cliff and Anne Heaton Jump
BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)

Summer Cleanse
Summer Cleanse. Fresh Seasonal Plant Based Cleanse with Tea and Juices. Conducting a cleanse between the transitions of seasons will assist you in retaining well being. This Summer Cleanse will help you detoxify and guide you into balanced summer nutrition. In addition, this cleanse will assist you to shed, maintain, or gain weight with a lifestyle plan for summer.
Summer Cleanse, Tea and Juice Cleanse
The Plant Based Cleanse is a very gentle cleanse that will detoxify your entire system (mind, body, heart and soul). This particular cleanse is suitable for all body types will be modified to fit your individual needs and constitution. This cleanse consists of taking in a plant based mono-diet, which will allow the digestive system to take a much-needed break, giving it new light and the ability to properly flush out toxins in the system. In addition, you will have tea, spice and juice blends made custom for you. Suzanne makes herself available to you during the cleanse, provides sound therapy on the way in and on the way out of the cleanse. In addition, encourages you to become self aware of where you are ready to heal, transform and take action in your life.

All cleanses are tailored to meet your individual needs, supportive of the season, your constitutional needs, and your state of being. Every person is unique…One size does not fit all.
Are you ready to return to harmony and a new state of well being?
Free the Mind. Unlock the Body. Open your Heart. Feed your Soul.

Quick recipes for college students, people on the go and those wanting to try simple recipes. Be Simply!
MadDog Burger “Roar”. Veggie Patty ‘YUM’ (Click Here)
Everyone has different nutritional needs, each self has a different physical system that responds uniquely to what you feed it. According to Chinese Medicine, humanity has evolved into three general ways of eating (carnivores, Veggie/carnivore, and veggie). Within these ways each self can learn to listen for what will best support one’s well being.

Follow me on Instagram #suzannetoro @omtoroshe
The alchemy of food is about learning how to listen to what your body, mind, heart and soul needs/wants to support you need on a daily basis. This will be different based on your natural rhythm and the season we are in.

Respect Yourself. Food Alchemy and Well Being.
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3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’