BeSimply…Sound&Silence {Grandmother Tree}
Join ‘She’ and Robin Youngblood for a special meditation, call for healing and prayer. Robin will share here recent experiences with the mudslides in Washington State, how to help and remembering other areas of the world that have been effected to similar disasters. Then we connect to the Grandmother Tree and call for global healing for all beings on this beautiful planet earth.
Hand to Hand Giving…This was created originally to help those those impacted by the Mudslides in Washington State. Church of the Earth. Learn more here to support those displaced by the Oso Mudslides. With the continued call to help those impacted by naturally disasters. Take time to research how you can give and support mother earth.
Music by Freedom Tribe Red Yellow Black & White
Carlos Nakai Riding the Wind
Xavier Rudd Spirit Bird
BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)
Looking Beyond Here. Mindfulness Meditation.
Mindfulness is something that is remembered.
It can not begin to be understood until you remember it. It is very popular term and idea in meditation “pop culture”.
Everyone is encouraging others to be mindful to play mindful; yet, that is not mindfulness. It is what is remembered in meditation and cannot be put into words; however, once it is remember one can begin to integrated the principles and understandings into your present state of being. This is because you begin to realize the interdependent and true nature of cause and effect and your part in it.
Then, the mind is blown and you start practicing being mindful. ~’She
Additional Meditations Below…
Practice Presence. A regular, meditation practice will assist you in cultivating inner peace and presence. One of the side effects of meditation is presence in everyday life. By taking time daily to meet yourself in silence, you will find stillness and the ‘be’ help you throughout your day. In addition, you will discover the roller coaster of thoughts and emotions will start to diminish. When you free up your mind and heart, you will have more space to engage with what is unfolding around. You have less distractions and quickly discern what is available to support your everyday life. Finally, you will creating an inner calm that will help you reduce stress and anxiety on a daily basis.
Call to Action…If you are inspired to nourish your mind, body, heart and soul, take 10-15 minutes a day to just sit and do nothing in silence with the sun. Place your hands on your belly during this sit and breathe in the sun.
Listen in to this meditation by Clicking HERE
Chakras. Meditation. Balance from Within.
Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation. Sound and Silence Meditation..Balance from Within. Chakra Balancing.
Chakras are energy centers that assist us in retaining balance in our energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. These energy centers connect to nerve centers located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each one assists us in accessing what we need within our mind, heart, body and soul. Next, when we take time to focus our breath and place attention on these areas we will identify where we need support. These energy centers provide a bridge of communication from the quantum field of the universe to your physical body. You can imagine each one as a communication portal. This meditation will help you feel into opening each energy center (chakra). Finally, during this meditation you connect with these 7 chakra centers:
Muladhara (Root)
Svadhisthana (Sacral)
Manipura (Solar Plexus)
Anahata (Heart)
Vishuddha (Throat)
Ajna (Third Eye)
Sahaswara (Crown)
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’