Highest Expression. BE. Embody the Buddha in YOU!
Remember how to be the buddha within you always. When you are lead by something beyond you (what I call the “unseen”) you are being asked to connect deeper to your highest state of being (aka soul). Ideally, we would remain at our highest state of being at all times. However, you can cease the moments as they self arise with presence. Until you transcend all aspects of “self”, these moments can be kept in your memory banks to assist you in returning back to your highest expression (buddha). If inspired to “BE” the clear and consistent expression of inner LIGHT (buddha nature), sit daily in meditative repose, listen deeply to your heart + soul, bridge the guidance from your spiritual teachers and the unseen into every moment.
Be the BUDDHA within YOU!
Lake Sits…Mist Lifts
Moon Sets…Memories Shift.
Void Returns…A calm
Viva Turns…open palms.
Hearts arise…womb opens
No more cry…sapphire spoken.
Harmonics Shift…one more pardon
Gaia gifts…eye on Horizon.
Hearts shift…find center
Earth repairs…disconnect
Last Good-bye…sunrise
Light emerges…Birds Fly.
-Lake Atitlan ‘She’
(shape appeared naturally on the sun and so did the orbs)
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’