Well, ‘She’ spontaneously found this video where Buddhism and Science meet created by Gerald. After watching the video and researching his projects, ‘She’ became intrigued and asked Gerald for an interview…Gerald was given the opportunity to practice the art of patience…as it took a few attempts and the finally were able to dive into this discourse.
Join “Suzanne Toro” and Gerald Penilla as they explore Singularity, Synchronicity, Music, Buddhism and Science. Which will naturally inspire spontaneous questions that surround the practice, the embodiement and the direction.
Gerald Penilla Buddhist, video editor, musician, human being! 🙂
Where Science and Buddhism Meet
His most recent video…
Connect with the Gerald Penilla
Gerald Penilla Inner Prisms Project
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition?
Want to reconnect with the alchemy of food? Connect with Suzanne one-on-one...visit SuzanneToro.com
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