“Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence. When the mind has settled, we are established in our essential nature, which is unbounded Consciousness. Our essential nature is usually overshadowed by the activity of the mind.” Patanjali
8 Limbs of Yoga: Introduction.
Limb 1: Yamas
Limb 2: Niyamas
Limb 3: Asanas
As mentioned, we are at the 1 year anniversary in Southern California and as a Nation entering into a historic moment (global and universal). The human species has been held in ‘fight or flight’ for a full solar cycle. This is not optimal and does not foster well being. I strongly encourage all that are inspired to take time to reflect, enter into recovery and reboot your place in the world. I am here to assist in the process as you want to engage. Ideally, we want to lighten our soul’s load, not burden it further. At minimum, get out into nature and welcome her to assist you with the process. It is beneficial to give way to all the emotions you have been feeling and potentially supresing. Give way to what is ready to be released.
Weekly 8 Limb Yoga Classes.
All Classes will be Streaming at set times moving forward. You can simply register here. (Click Here) .
All classes are available to all. If you want to receive via gift economy, when registering just select pay later (that is your gift economy pass into the class). As Inspired, Pay it Forward.
To be noted, Friday 8AM Class is also available in person. Message me to find out the exact location.
Sol+Luna Cycle.
Each month there is a different rhythm that leads us into each lunar+solar cycle. These shifts can be supported by nourishing the mind, body, heart and soul. We are offering a monthly balance package for teens and adults.You can order this Sol+Luna Support on a monthly basis or once to try it out.
Each Sol+Luna Cycle we will have a limited edition available with a small batch of hand made goodies made especially for you. (Subscribe Here)
Or try out 1 month at a time.