Happy Tuesday on Planet Earth…Incoming Full ‘Snow’ Moon (Purification Moon) 2.27.21 ~ 8:17 UTC/ 12:17 PST
“This is true of the physical powers, and of those which dwell in the higher vestures. There must be, first, purity; as the blood must be pure, before one can attain physical health. But the absence of impurity is not in itself enough, else would many nerveless ascetics of the cloisters rank as high saints. There is needed, further, a positive fire of the will; a keen vital vigor for the physical powers, and something finer, purer, stronger, but of kindred essence, for the higher powers. The fire of genius is something more than a phrase, for there can be no genius without the celestial fire of the awakened spiritual will.” ~ Patanjali

For this week’s Dharma Talk…(Click Here)
Sol Sunday…Dharma Talk with ‘She’ (AKA Suzanne Toro) 8 Limbs of Yoga with sound healing and silent meditation. Focus: Focus: Niyamas: Saucha (purity…simplicity), Santosha(Equanimity: What is), Tapas (Fire…Purification), Svadhyaya (Know Thy Self…Refinement), and Ishvarapranidhana (Devotion…Surrender to Divine within)
“Success is nearest to those whose efforts are intense and sincere.” – Patanjali
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivating inner peace.
Last Week’s Talk, Sol, Silence and Sound…
8 Limbs of Yoga: Introduction. 8 Limbs of Yoga Part 1 Yamas
May we all listen deeper and pause before we move into our thoughts, words and/or actions.
May we embrace the radical opportunity to GIVE it ALL away for the benefit of all BEINGS.
Here are links on your favorite streaming service (if not here when you check in give it another 3-12 hours):
AmazonMusic Spotify ITunes IHeart GooglePodcasts TuneIN Alexa BlogTalkRadio Pandora
Winter to Spring Balancing, Cleansing & Boost is a great way to create space in your inner landscape. If you want to learn more, send me an email. In addition, Spring Cleansing in March which will have an integrated component to “create space” in your physical space. If you are interested, please send me an email.
As Inspired, Support the Arts & Creation
Music Random Rab
Aham Prema: Donna DeLory
Sound: Suzanne Toro
We are coming up on the 1 year anniversary in Southern California and as a Nation entering into a historic moment (global and universal). The human species has been held in ‘fight or flight’ for a full solar cycle. This is not optimal and does not foster well being. I strongly encourage all that are inspired to take time to reflect, enter into recovery and reboot your place in the world. I am here to assist in the process as you want to engage. Ideally, we want to lighten our soul’s load, not burden it further. At minimum, get out into nature and welcome her to assist you with the process. It is beneficial to give way to all the emotions you have been feeling and potentially supresing. Give way to what is ready to be released.
Deepest Love and Gratitude for you ALL….Suzanne

Spring Cleanse. Kitchari, Tea and Juice Cleanse…3, 5, 8, or 21 {You Choose}. Conducting a cleanse between the transitions of seasons will assist you in retaining well being. All Cleanses are designed custom with some common pillars based on Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine
Kitchari Cleanse, Tea and Juice Cleanse
The Kitchari cleanse is a very mild version of the traditional “Pancha Karma” cleanse and can be safely performed at home with minimal guidance. This particular cleanse is suitable for all body types as it can be modified to fit everybody’s individual needs. This cleanse consists of taking in a mono-diet of the classical Ayurvedic dish, Kitchari, which will allow the digestive system to take a much-needed break, giving it new light and the ability to properly flush out toxins in the system. In addition, you will have tea and juice blends selected custom to support your journey. Suzanne makes herself available to you during the cleanse, provides sound therapy on the way in and on the way out of the cleanse. In addition, encourages you to become self aware of where you are ready to heal, transform and take action in your life. To learn more…(Click Here)

Immune Boost + Retain Well Begin

A great complement to the seasonal cooking classes, is this On-Going Food Alchemy Class Mind You + Food: Unlock Your Potential. This program works in conjunction with all my offerings. These classes will all be going to a virtual program and one-on-one opportunities remain in person and via video call.