Well, the conversation continues, ‘She’ and Alex Putney discuss the gifts and blunders of the Tesla technologies.
Alex shares the history, the possibility, and reminds ‘US’ of the clues (how to prepare the vessel).
‘She’ is thankful for his wisdom and their discourse.
Want to hear more? Sit, listen and send in your questions…
Join Suzanne Toro and Alex Putney as they dive into a conversation exploring his work, Human Resonance.
We will explore the pyramids, Ayurveda, celestial waters, Tesla, HAARP, and many other important planetary changes.
Tune back in…in depth with Light Water!
Connect with
Alex Putney
Quake Induction
Water in La Mana
Levitation Basins
His books
Music by Music by Random Rab New Album Vissureal
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition?
Want to reconnect with the alchemy of food? Connect with Suzanne one-on-one...visit SuzanneToro.com
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