‘She’ fell in love with Anne when she met her in Costa Rica. Anne was a breath of fresh air. She spoke the truth and always reminded ‘she’ to take the extra time to reach the result you desire. Especially with your creations. ‘She’ has continually touched ‘She’s’ heart and honored to celebrate Anne’s upcoming Creation…
Join Suzanne Toro and Anne Heaton as they explore her new album, the creation process, the Prayer of Saint Francis Song, Motherhood, and her vision for her album release. Music includes new release…St. Francis Prayer Song and Jump from Blazin Red.
Connect with Anne Heaton:
Support her Kickstarter Project
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition?
Want to reconnect with the alchemy of food? Connect with Suzanne one-on-one...visit SuzanneToro.com
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