This series of ‘Fall to Winter Butternut Squash’ recipes were made from one butternut squash. The reasoning for this is to show you how much food can be made with one squash and that you can have variety.
Spicy Butternut Squash Soup
minutesA Thai/ Korean influences spicy butternut squash. by suzanne.toro
1/2 a butternut squash, remove seeds
1 small yellow onion, halved
1 medium sweet potato, quartered
1-2 carrots
1 stalk of celery
1-3 tbsps. organic olive oil
Himalayan Salt and Crushed Black Pepper
2 cups vegetable broth
1-2 clove of garlic minced
1/4 tsp. each ofred pepper, thyme, oregano, parsley and mustard powder
1 tbsp. of chili pepper paste
1/2 cup coconut cream, plus 1 tablespoon
Pre-heat the oven, 375 degrees, F
Oil, or line with parchment paper, a jelly role sheet. add the squash, yellow onion, sweet potato, carrots, celery and garlic.
Coat with Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper
- Directions Step
Place sheet in the oven. Roast 30-40 minutes, till everything is tender.
Remove from the oven and cool slightly.
Remove the skin from the butter nut squash. Add all the veggies to a blender.
Add the veggie broth, spices, chili paste, mustard powder and coconut cream. Blend until the soup is smooth.
Remove from the blender and add coconut cream on top. Create a swirl with remaining coconut cream.
Enjoy with a slice or two of sourdough toast.
“May your life be fill with the Aloha Spirit and your heart over flow with it.” .St
Butternut Squash Hash
minutes...with eggs and tempeh crisps. A simply wat to use some or all of the butter squash and introduce the butternut sqaush into an egg dish...”meatless hash”. by suzanne.toro
2 cups butternut squash cubed
1 small yellow onion, chopped
1-2 new potatoes chopped
1 cup chopped kale
1-3 tbsps. organic olive oil
Himalayan Salt and Crushed Black Pepper
3-5 slices tempeh sliced
1-2 clove of garlic minced
1/4 tsp. each ofred pepper, thyme, oregano, parsley and basil
2-4 eggs
1-3 tbsp. of butter
Warm a wok or medium skillet to medium heat.
Add 2 tbsps. of olive oil to the skillet with the onion, garlic and spices. Saute.
Add butternut squash and potatoes. Saute till start to brown and soften. Add additional oil as needed.
Season with Salt and Pepper. Once almost fully cooked add the Kale. Cook for 1-2 minutes.
Remove from heat and pan.
Return pan to the stove add 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp butter. Melt.
Fry two eggs sunny side UP and 2-3 strips of tempah. Season with salt, cracked pepper and chili pepper.
Serve eggs over the hash with tempeh crisps. Enjoy.

From and Ayurvedic Practice.
The butternut squash will increase gunas, aspects within your physical body, reduces body temperature, blood flow and metabolism. It is easy to digest; yet, can create a heavy, grounding feeling in the body.
The taste is sweet. It balancing to the elements governed by the Pitta and Vata dosas.
It can be aggravating to Kapha. For example, if you are feeling down or stuck in the mud, the squash can further deepen this feeling, conversely if you are feeling like you are blowing in the wind, it will ground you. Yet, if you love squash there are spices that can be added to counter act the characteristic of this yummy food.
Physical Benefits: This is a great food for your plasma and lymphatic system. Ultimately, this gift from the fall harvest is grounding, supportive to your liver, heart, bladder and more. Bonus it stores well all the way through the winter season.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective: The squash assists in moving the Qi, vital force in the body, The flavor is noted as sweet and will strengthen your digestive system. It is also considered a warming food. Comfort food. A tonic can be made to assist in balancing out any symptoms that appear to be associated with western digestion diagnosis. For example, bloating after eating. It also when made into a broth can help the lungs too. When the butternut squash is paired with a bone or veggie broth with some thyme, oregano and other spices…it will help you expel phlegm.
Psycho-Spiritual Side Note: phlegm from a Tibetan Spiritual perspective indicates that there is ignorance rising up. So while, you sip on that bowl of soup sit with what you are not seeing or where you are ready to learn more. You might start with examining some unresolved grief.
Want to learn more about your constitution and your psycho-spiritual strengths and hinderances?
Simply…book a session. In the meantime, enjoy some yummy food with you and yours.
Butternut Squash Muffin Top Cookies
minutesIt has an apple essence and sugar free. This is a cookie that is a great breakfast treat with a cup of coffee or tea. In addition, it gives you a sense of induglance without the sugar rollercoaster. recipe by suzanne.toro
1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup old fashioned rolled oats
3/8 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt
1 cup almond or sunflower seed butter
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups ButternutSquash-Apple Puree
1/2 cup cacao chips
1/4 cup coconut flakes
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
small pinch of salt
Pre-heat the oven, 350 degrees, F
Oil, or line with parchment paper, a jelly role sheet or cookie sheet.
Steam butternut squash and green apples till tender. Then, blending in a blender to a puree.
Place all dry ingredients in one bowl and blend.
Then, mix all the wet ingredients in larger bowl
Next, pour the dry ingredients into the wet.
Hand mix gently fold in the cacao chips, flakes and walnuts.
Gently, place 1-1.5 large tablespoons on cookie sheet per cookie.
Place in oven and on the middle rack for 10-15 minutes. Check if a toothpick comes out clean. if not bake for 5-10 minutes more. Repeat the test.
Once ready, remove from over and place on a wire rack to cool.
Enjoy with a friend and a cup of coffee and/or tea.
Want to learn more about your constitution and your psycho-spiritual strengths and hinderances?
Simply…book a session. In the meantime, enjoy some yummy food with you and yours.