“A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.” ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
This Week: We have officially are in Winter and Summer. This lunar cycle is leading us there. The mother (aka creator) is welcoming us to sit with her and listen deeply. We are Feminine Season Globally. Creation Energy in many Forms. As inspired, take a moment to balance your inner landscape, create space to nourish you while you balance your inner and outer worlds.
Questions: Where are you ready to step into courage from within? What are you ready to be still within you? Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
Time Stamps: Dharma 0 Meditation :21:43 Sound :45:56 Outro 1:27:56
“Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart.” Patanjali
‘River’ by Cadre Scott
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Random Rab
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Dante Marino
Sound Suzanne Toro

Mind + Heart Food

There are several root causes for ADHD. One is trauma. Trauma response walks hand in hand with disassociation. This is how your entire system keeps you safe. The disassociation can cause one to experience ADHD symptoms. Attention, Cognitive Delay/Impairment and Memory Lapse are three symptoms that are a result from disassociation caused by trauma. Which, leads to other symptoms including: dis-organization, restlessness, impulsivity, risk-taking and lack of socializing. All of these are connected to the original experience and impact of trauma.
The good news is you can heal (transform) and return back into balance with self and the world around you. Bonus, the ADHD symptoms can and will resolve as the trauma heals. You will feel safe enough to BE HERE. The second root cause for ADHD is the result of a system overloaded with toxins like heavy metals, environmental chemicals, mold exposure, processed foods and so on. This root cause can be transformed too. A series of detoxification methods coupled with replenishing the system with nutrient dense foods will help you restore harmony. By fully acknowledging, if your system has been out of balance for a long time, this will take time + discipline to regain your harmony. However, it is possible. Part of the longer journey home is because there are layers and other conditions that can impact you like anxiety, depression, addiction and personality behaviors. These are a call and a response to what has not been addressed. Yet, do not feel overwhelmed…simply follow along for a few more moments here.
There has been an enormous increase in ADHD diagnosis because humanity as a whole has collectively experienced a lot of trauma over the past four (almost five) years. In addition, based on the epoch unfolding on planet earth, each one of you are being asked to help with the ancestral healing through your current situation. This is so you and I (we) can move forward without all the old grievances, baggage and untold history screaming out through our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual being. The intensification and demand was played out over the past four plus years. It was the equivalent of the period of your high school education. The universe has a mysterious way of bringing everything to a head that we have collectively been avoiding. Which, I hope each and everyone of you take a pause to truly evaluate how this and other events have impacted (the effect) you in the present moment. By taking the time to observe and evaluate, you can start to make peace with what occurred and welcome yourself to be fully present in all aspects of your life.
The willingness to observe when you dissociate from a present moment will give you a lot of information to work with. First, you can see who, what and where you are, that is causing you to literally leave the room (energetically). Second, you can start to ask yourself do you feel ready (safe) to be in the room (aka present). The situation will show you where the past trauma was and/or the existing trauma cycle is. Sometimes, the situation(s) are triggers and other times the circumstance is playing out in a new scenario realtime. Ultimately, the trauma is still rooted in the past. Third, when you are ready start welcoming yourself back into the room. When I work with my clients and students, some are energetically in another universe, country, state, down the road when I check in. I help them locate where they are without judgement. Then, I ask them if they want to come back into the room. If not, that is okay, one step at a time. What is revealed when you are, bit by bit, able to come back into the room is the juicy stuff. The elephant in the room that is ready to be transformed. The WIN. You will be ready and able to focus on what is in front of you, your cognitive capabilities will improve, memory will sharpen and your motivation (the pep in your step) will increase.
As inspired, observe yourself, then bring yourself back to here. Then, start to engage with what is here in your physical world. There is no need to run back or forward with your mind and/or engage the mind with anyone that is not in your physical reality.
*To be noted: this is a practice. You will get stronger as you place your attention where you want to be. If you have questions and/or want to have a deeper discussion around your unique situation, please send me a message here.
Body Food

An effortless activity to help you let go of that which harmed you before here and/or is still impacting you is to find a warm body of water. The medicinal benefits of a natural hot spring and/or a well prepared bath will help you return to the present. You will release that which has been trapped in your fascia (body), mind, heart and soul. At long last, it will bring you back to the creative sanctuary when your eternal being migrated into your mother’s womb. Discovering the miracle of human life (aka you). The warm waters will return you to the space of full potential. With awareness, you can feel into what is ready to be released and allow the elements to work their alchemical magic with the divine. We often forget that we are supported by the unexplainable. It will take your willingness to dip into the warm waters and be held. If for some reason, you cannot find a bath or hot springs, you can soak your feet. This is equally nourishing and can be part of a daily or weekly activity for proactive well being.
If you want a custom recipe for your soak based on your current state of being, simply send me an email with your state of affairs: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. I will reply with your unique recipe.