Birth Life Next
This segment we will explore…the SUN, the element of fire.
Discover and explore with ‘she’ the gifts of finding, attuning and expressing your inner fire.
‘She’ will share some simple ways to reclaim your power, discover the masculine energy within you
and its relationship with your inner (agni) life force.
You will move into the ‘next’ with more certainty.
Shining a LIGHT on Sacred Fire
Hosted by BlogTalkRadio and available on Itunes
Music Jai Ma Suzanne Sterling, Donna DeLory In The SUN, Follow the Sun Xavier Rudd
Life with 'She'
Connect with Upcoming Meditations, Retreats and Workshops!
Personal Retreats and Vision Quests!
Connect with ‘She’
She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide.
Sessions with ‘She’
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?
Living TEA
to Explore Click (HERE)
BeSimply Broadcasts BareNakedBliss on Amazon Bare Naked Bliss e-book
Want to reconnect with your environment and the alchemy of food?
Embrace the medicine of Essential Living Foods. Ascended Health ~ Energetic Healing Products 'She' especially loves and uses on a regular basis Sufi Bliss Ascension Oil and Oralive.