“At night, i open the window
and ask the moon to come and press it’s face against mine.
breathe into me
Close the language door and open the love window
The moon won’t open the door, only the window”
I welcome you to enjoy this moment. Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow.
The Full Moon Arrives(d) tomorrow November 19, 2021 at 2:54 AM PST (-7UTC). AN OPPORTUNITY to listen deeply, observe and see what is.
Stay Focused, Listen and Observe what arrives in and around you. Soon, enough we will be entering into the full energy of the Feminine (Winter) and Masculine (Summer). By listening deeper, you will
This is a moment to feel the earth under your feet, the effortless guidance within your breath and anchor into your innate inner knowing. As inspired, take a few moments or longer to feel into your free will, deeper purpose and action aligned purpose. Ultimately, remembering to serve the greater good on planet earth.
This information coupled with the observations made about your life shall give you some of the deepest insights about your inner landscape and where you are ready to release (let go), heal, transform and/or nourish your potential. As inspired, take a few minutes…Listen (aka receive) and observe as meet the mid-point of this lunar cycle.
To be noted: eclipses are a very intimate exchange between celestial bodies. Rather than stare out towards the sacred moment. Look deep within.
Feel Free to Listen to this in that moment or in your natural flow.
Sound: Cosmic Keys + Earth + Water by Suzanne Toro (Produced Dante Marino)
The Circle: by Cadre Scott and Dante Marino
Bare Naked Bliss Gift Bundle…Learn how to love from within, remember bliss and serve your highest calling.