Sharing on of her favorite books by Shel Siverstein…Giving Tree. Then, gently filling your cup up with some inspiring examples of people making change, being in service and giving daily. These innovative approaches coupled with an open heart…might inspire you to cultivate more giving and receiving in your life.
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‘She’ will feed your heart with inspiration, contemplation, humility and unbridled JOY! The power of perspective, hand to hand giving and more…
Shining a LIGHT on Peace Chain Learn MORE
Music: Suzanne Sterling
Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Yeshe Peace of Mind
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She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide.
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Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?
Living TEA
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BeSimply Broadcasts BareNakedBliss on Amazon Bare Naked Bliss e-book
Want to reconnect with your environment and the alchemy of food?
Embrace the medicine of Essential Living Foods. Ascended Health ~ Energetic Healing Products 'She' especially loves and uses on a regular basis Sufi Bliss Ascension Oil and Oralive.