Hopi won the election...this is a most magnificent time in History. With the rise of the people in Egypt and the Hopi saving their traditions I am so grateful in my heart. Thank you for your prayers.
Many carry a Hopi Heart. You might ask why do we care about the Hopi.
Like the Tibetans who pray for humanity...the hopi are in ceremony
and pray for humanity to. Connecting Heaven and Earth.
I ask all of you how many of you prayed for humanity today?
How many of you held an intentional ceremony for the greater good of man kind,
for clean water, crops, and the spirit of love?
Hopi are entering into a period of continuous ceremony...
The People Have Spoken
Proposed Hopi Constitution Draft24A was considered by the Hopi people and was defeated!
NO: 656
YES: 410
Congratulations to all and thanks to all of you who helped make this a great day!
The trip below is currently not taking place due to the outcome of this election.
I am leaving this as a record of history.
Making their way to Washington DC to protect their constitution…
If you are inspired…please send your support
The Hopi are going to meet with the only people that can help protect their ancient way of life.
There will be Religious Leaders and Elders that need to travel to DC.
They are collecting resources for Flights, hotels, food, and other travel expenses.
To Stay Connected to Current Timeline and what lead them to this point…
Please connect here…Hopi Info
Hopi Prayer:
“Let us all set aside our differences and walk together on the sacred path”
Within us all beats hearts of love. Sometime between sunset today and sunset tomorrow,
be still and listen as our hearts walk in togetherness on the sacred path.
History :
January 27, 2011 – Election on Proposed Hopi Constitution Draft 24A
January 24, 2011 – Decision expected from the court
January 20, 2011 – Lawsuit to stop the election presented in US District Court
January 18, 2011 – Lawsuits to stop the election presented in Hopi Tribal Court
January 10, 2011 – Complaint For Declaratory and Injunctive Relief to be filed in US District Court
December 28, 2010 – Deadline to Register to Vote
December 27, 2010 – Hopi Tribe’s Press Officer informed the public about the deadline to register to vote.
November 13, 2010 – Hopi-Tewa Sinom Open Forum in Flagstaff meets to:
1. Educate the Hopi-Tewa People on the Hopi Tribal Council’s, Hopi Chairman LeRoy Shingoitewa’s and Interim General Counsel Robert Lyttle’s political agenda to pass Draft 24A, with BIA input.
2. Educate the People on the contents of Draft 24A, if passed, that will violate the People’s civil rights and interests, and the aboriginal Villages’ sovereignties and their pre-constitutional powers.
3. Solicit the grassroots People’s input to reach a consensus on the most workable strategies and challenges/arguments to Draft 24A that will withstand “the test of law” to ensure the People’s and Villages’ rights and interests are not compromised and violated.
November 4, 2010 – Press release was issued by the Tribe’s Tribal Operations Office advising of Secretarial Referendum. The release also advises on the process it will take to conduct a referendum. At this time, the Tribal Operations Office and Tribe’s Enrollment Office are working together on matters affecting a voter registration drive.
November 3, 2010 – BIA Hopi Indian Agency Superintendent Wendell Honanie formally advised Chairman Shingoitewa that an official memorandum from Bowker authorized a Federal Secretarial Referendum pursuant to CFR 25 Part 81.
October 5, 2010 – Chairman Shingoitewa responded to each of the 19 comments/suggestions of Mr. Bowker’s September 24th letter on behalf of the Hopi Tribe. At the conclusion of the 16-page letter, Shingoitewa advised the BIA he was enclosing a copy of the Tribe’s “Final Revised Constitution” to be placed before the voters in a constitutional referendum, and requested the issuance of an “Authorization For a Secretarial Election” without further delay to ensure compliance with applicable federal law”.
In other words, he and Robert Lyttle acted alone in working directly with the BIA on certain agreeable revisions which were then incorporated into the Tribe’s “Final Revised Constitution” without the prior knowledge and approval of the Council and input from the People.
September 24, 2010 – Bryan Bowker, Director of the Western BIA Regional Office, Phoenix, submitted a letter to Chairman Shingoitewa offering 19 comments and suggestions to the Hopi Tribe’s proposed revised Constitution (“Revised Constitution”), which was received by Shingoitewa on September 27, 2010.
It is not known as of this submittal when Shingoitewa submitted Draft 24A (aka, “Revised Constitution”) to the BIA Hopi Indian Agency or Phoenix BIA Office.
August 4, 2010 – With Chairman Shingoitewa’s proposed resolution in hand, the Council voted 8-7, per adopted HTC Resolution H-053-2010, to authorize and enable the Secretary of the Interior/BIA Hopi Indian Agency to prepare for and schedule a constitutional referendum on Draft 24 “as-is”, according to Caleb Johnson.
If this so, a further interpretation of this action meant that all comments and insertions to Draft 24 must be dismissed and eliminated while forwarding Draft 24 to the BIA. Furthermore, Draft 24, not Draft 24A, should have been presented at subsequent village and off-reservation meetings.
July 28, 2010 – Chairman Shingoitewa met with The Hopi-Tewa Sinom of Greater Phoenix on Draft 24A. At the meeting, Shingoitewa advised the attendees that we still had an opportunity to provide input into Draft 24A. He alluded to the “Introduction” of Draft 24A, which reads verbatim: “Now is the time for the Hopi People to review Draft 24A of the Constitution and to make any final recommendations. We also encourage you to ask the Tribal Council to schedule a vote on the new Constitution so that the people of the Tribe can make a final decision on the New Constitution.”
From that point on, village presentations on Draft 24A continued for approximately [6 weeks], and at the meetings, the People were told they were not allowed any input “because so much work had already been put into Draft 24/24A”.
If that was the case, then why did Shingoitewa and his presenters, supposedly representing the dissolved CRC, even bother to make presentations on Draft 24A? Remember, the Council on August 4th, voted to move forward on Draft 24 “as-is”.
September 10, 2004 – The Council attempted to appoint new Constitution Task Team (CTT) members but failed because the then-First Mesa representatives advised they were instructed by the First Mesa leadership to not participate on the CTT. The Council was forced to table the issue, and the CTT has been held in abeyance since.
May 25, 2004 – Per adopted HTC Resolution H-49-2004, the Council established the “Constitution Task Team (CTT)” to replace the Constitution Reform Committee, and tasked it with analyzing and proposing amendments to Draft 24, and to recommend to the Council on how work on Draft 24 should proceed.
January 21, 2003 – Then Office of General Counsel (Scott Canty) provided its comments on Draft 24 (not Draft 24A) to the Council.
December 28, 1998 – Per adopted HTC Resolution H-006-1998, in part, the Council established a Constitution Reform Committee (CRC) to be composed of two representatives from each village.
Please email the Secretary of Interior and ask him to HALT the proposed Constitution and
uphold the RIGHTS of the Hopi people. All it may take to save the Hopi and possibly save ourselves from destruction is ONE VOICE!
Contact the U.S. Department of the Interior, Secretary Salazar
Phone: (202) 208-3100
kensalazar@ios.doi.gov This is Salazars Direct email
feedback@ios.doi.gov On the letters to Secretary Salazar
please include a CC to : nadtwani@yahoo.com this is a Hopi that is with the Village of Shungopavi
Please cc the following in Hopi: informhopi@yahoo.com
Hopi Federal Injunction Hearing Date Set
A preliminary injunction hearing for the Federal Civil Case (No. CV-11-8005-PCT-DGC) has been scheduled for Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 2:00p.m. MST.
The Hopi Plaintiffs ask that you pray for peace, harmony and oneness for ALL. Your prayers can make a difference for the greater good of the world.
In addition, you can make an impact by contacting your US Congressional Representatives and voicing your support for the Hopi Plaintiffs. This website, www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm , can be used to easily identify your Senators andwww.house.gov/house/MemberWWW_by_State.shtml ; will assist you with finding your House Representative.
Please forward this vital information within your network of family and friends.
With Much Appreciation & Gratitude,
Jerome Longbottom
The Society for Restoring Ancient Wisdom®