Golden Elixir Bees Kiss
Euphoria Deepen Bliss
Flora Amorous Tender Glance
Seduced Vibrations Advance
Exhalations Leading Connect
Smoldering Passion Intersect
Rapid Embrace Off to Next
Returning Honey between Decks
Sweet Sticky Transparent Goodness
Timeless Exchange…Love Fullness
A Faithful Bridge Between Heaven
Possibility Ascension
Intimate Remembrance Echoes
Sunflower Sound Bee Pharaoh
Honeycomb incubates Bee Hides
Treasure Trove Healing Powers Vibe
Heart Healed Voice Clears Touch Softens
Many Thrive Queen’s Gift…True Blossom
Spring Subsides Sweet Nectar Fades Way
A Savored Memory…Future Day.
A letter from Mason of Superfeast…
“Hello Beautiful SuperFeast Community.
Thank you for all the messages enquiring about the wellbeing of SuperFeast, and our team, as our home, the Northern Rivers, was devastated by floods.
I wanted to write to you with an update on the situation. Our warehouse, our team, our response and how we as a community can continue to help. I will try to be to the point and brief as I can feel all the emotions coming forth as I start to write. I’ll need to hang on a little longer before they can fully be embraced and processed; lots to do (thankfully, we have an amazing team and family that is watching everyone and supporting this emotional unravelling also).
The flood slightly splashed our headquarters, but since so many of you have reached out concerned, sending your hopes that we were ok, I had to include it in the update. Somehow we were spared and only had 2 inches of water enter the warehouse. The damage was very superficial, and our team jumped into the cleanup ASAP to operate straight away and support those not spared. Thanks to the swiftness of our amazing team’s response (I was still flooded in at my house, so I couldn’t get there straight away to assess), it meant we could roll out our community support in the quickest time.
But before we go into this, I want to touch base on our SuperFeast team. As the company grows, I like to check in with you all – to give you a glimpse behind the veil of how we’re operating how we’re moving the Spleen-based soil around our business, ensuring that the structures and systems are constructed in a way that protects, amplifies and cherishes the Heart of why we started this herbal endeavour, and thus I wanted to share about how the team responded to this.
The family energy of this team came roaring through with the floodwater and, with it, a further relief and satiation of knowing that this isn’t just another business. Many in our team lost their houses, their possessions. Many lost everything; some had their dear ones devastated. Our team rallied around them in a way that only family could and would do.
I wanted to give you a glimpse of that here so you can share in my pride and love of knowing that this beautiful thing, that is SuperFeast, remains in the hands of people that have their priorities not just in the right place, but are guided by the Shen aligned love that we cherish and are always moving towards. Our team is safe, although all have their own processes to go through now. We are here for the long road of supporting all their Treasures so they can maintain the capacity to heal, process, work, contribute and evolve from this experience in harmony.
We’re still in the middle of the response to the crisis as a community, but the initial reaction was hauntingly beautiful.
With no government support coming into the region for over a week, it was all grassroots establishing of response centres, resource distribution and rescues.
The stories emerging are gritty, brave, tragic, harrowing, and full of the community spirit we cherish here in the Rainbow Region.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the Daoist teachings that everything has the 3 Treasures, and I got to feel the Shen/Heart of this community during this response. It was magical and resilient (and something at this point of the response, over a week later, that we must align with and protect so that we may harmonise with the gratitude, acceptance and love that the Shen makes present as it emerges from the Heart Fire).
Jimi Wollumbin and I did an Instagram Live on Community Crisis Response, which was incredibly insightful for me. Apologies for those that don’t use Instagram; we’ll try to turn it into a podcast soon.
For us, the response was obvious; support the team, support our families and friends, and then get the herbs out into the community.
We respond to crisis all the time while waving the banner for returning to harmony; it’s just that we usually do this with obtuse crises like chronic early degeneration and disease. This being an acute crisis just meant that our response was a little different, a little more grassroots. We had herbal care packs ready to go in no time. We told our community that they could pick them up or arrange a drop off with us.
As with any crisis, the intent is never to push something like herbal medicine at an inappropriate time, and that was the case with the flood response. We knew many wouldn’t be thinking about herbs, but we put the message out on the periphery of the crisis; the response was humbling and made me feel honoured to be in a position where the herbs were so valued. Within a couple of days, we’d coordinated with people on the ground to drop hundreds of packages full of JING, Mason’s Mushrooms and QI to areas that were devastated. It makes me teary at how much that meant to people who had lost everything and those supporting them.
Our mission was to create an offering so those who felt the resonance to embrace the herbal support to know we’re here. So that their Kidneys, immunity and capacity to maintain a flow of Qi was maintained; because if these falter, we are at risk of crashing, and that can be its own unique catastrophe in the traumatic aftermath.
I want to thank my team for rallying to this offering so quickly (many night and weekend shifts were done in the middle of a stressful time for all). To those who offered to run the herbs all over the Northern Rivers, to the practitioners who are slinging the herbs to those that they treat on the front line and for partnering with us in nourishing the sweet hearts and bodies of those affected, and to you, our global SuperFeast community for supporting us in all the ways you do and allowing us the opportunity to be there for our people when they need it most; we love you for that gift.
Over a week later, we’ve sent thousands of products out to people affected and running the rebuild.
Our next phase will be sending out SHEN herbs as the realisation of heartbreak and trauma begins to set in, as the drama of the aftermath comes to irritate us, and as we all endeavour to harmonise towards whatever lessons and gifts this traumatic experience may, or may not, offer us.
We will send more updates soon.
As I said, our team and community are still in the middle of this. If you want to support this community response, you can find practical ways in the links below.
I will speak to you again soon, and thanks so much for taking the time to read this.”
If you’d like to volunteer, donate something or offer your services, or if you need help.