UPdate: It is still summer. In fact, at the next NEW moon we will be entering into late Summer. It is this amazing sweet spot where we can ground into the earth’s energy coupled with doing a little inner work on rebuilding inner trust with ourselves.
This directly relates to the crops that are still growing in your era. I also want to remind you nature can extend and lengthen a season for many reasons. If inspired, rather than follow the bankers calendar, start following the signals from nature as it relates to where your live.
During these remaining months/weeks of Summer, you might want you to keep the oven off and/or go out for a meal. This effort will assist keeping your heat down and assist in supporting the local economies. Alternatively, you can make simple meals with the abundant stash of zucchini, tomatoes and more still overflowing in the garden. The watery fruits and veggies can be cooked rapidly and served cool or at room temperature. Then, you can meander outside and sit under a tree and eat with a cool breeze.

Soul + Divine Food
Offerings. If you are inspired, take a walk into nature and observer, receive and give offerings to nature and the divine. Simple offerings of elements of nature serve as thank you for all that is provided for all of us on the earth plane. No matter how or why you believe it all is here, I would gently remind all of you (and me) that daily moments of giving thanks via an offering for these abundant and regenerating resources will serve you well.
As inspired, see what nature places in front of you. Receive with a soft gaze. Then listen and gather what you would like to offer back. Nature and the divine are always be happy to receive. These offerings can even take shape in many forms, like a random act of kindness or an expression of generosity, there are no rules. Listen at your heart, offer from within.

Body + Mind Food
If you want to maintain dynamic fluid motion, master your relationship with yourself.
Remember the previous programming to the Generation called X, “listen to your head not your heart”. You consciousness is expressing itself in dynamic fluid motion from within. You are in a continuous dance with the divine and your eternal being spirals up and down your physical body. Your soul and the divine communicate by sends signals ‘to and from’ your mind, heart, stomach, throat and sacral. When you keep all these energy centers open and balanced you will find you feel at ease and FLOW with your life (no matter what is unfolding).
As inspired, Anchor at the heart. Ground at your feet. Retain Awareness. Keep your mind CLEAR. Then, utilize your mind, heart and body for the benefit of all. To the best of your capacity and awareness in this present moment.

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