Join ‘K’ for Kira and ‘She’ for a raw and saucy conversation about her passion for advocating for Men’s ‘Well Being’, her relationship with ‘Self’ and Women, Art Photography, Transformation, and Empathy. She shares the intimate details of how she came into a deeper understanding of self and how she realized how important it is to honor the masculine.

Kira has two new books soon to be HOT off the press that will help you HOW TO be a better HUMAN. Her plight is to remind us the Men Matter and Make Empathy Great Again (MEGA).

Kira Mamula is a highly-sought after Men’s Wellness Advocate and Life Empowerment Advisor. Kira focuses on the individual as well as the collective, utilizing the science of neuroplasticity. She provides fresh, new perspectives on how to build the life of your CHOOSING by providing actionable and insightful ways to rewire the brain with healthier programs. Kira is known for her directness and claircognizant abilities, providing not what you want to hear, but what you NEED to hear.

Connect with Kira at
‘She’ at
Social Media
I am including links to SoundCloud, Spotify, Itunes, BlogTalk Radio, GooglePlay, iHeart, Stitcher, OnenessTalkRadio and KLBP. In all of these locations, you can find content that will nourish your heart and State of Well Being during this global transition.

BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)
Free the Mind. Unlock the Body. Open your Heart. Feed your Soul.

Adventure to Ecuador: VisionQuest, Ayurveda & Zen Retreat 2021

Monthly Sol+Luna Support & Nourishment
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On-Going Food Alchemy Class , Food Alchemy Cooking Class ,

Respect Yourself.
Food Alchemy and Well Being.
Learn More Click HERE

3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’

Connect with Upcoming Meditations, Retreats and Workshops!
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?
…Moving through a Transition ?
She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide.
BeSimply Broadcasts BareNakedBliss on Amazon
I am including links to SoundCloud, Spotify, Itunes, BlogTalk Radio, GooglePlay, iHeart, Stitcher, OnenessTalkRadio and KLBP. In all of these locations, you can find content that will nourish your heart and State of Well Being during this global transition.