Empowerment. An individual is stronger when one feels empowered. Initially, this momentum can come from an external source. However, the power will sustain and regenerate itself if it comes from within. Ultimately, it is only the self that can empower self. It takes discipline and practice to maintain this state of being. In an era when the phrase has been coined…
“WE are ONE!” While, if we break our collective selves down to ONE molecule this might be true; however,’She’ has a feeling that would be REALLY boring!
Empowerment and Self Improvement start with you. The Me + We segment will share the process of how to embrace self and seeing the value in others. The result will be understanding the importance of accepting others and accepting self. In addition, you will learn how to love and embrace self.
Be Simply. Simple tools to embrace tolerance, love, compassion, opposites and ‘self’ expression!
A simple way to continue supporting yourself is to also listen to this a guided meditation.
Click here to listen.
Music by:
Random Rab Apparently
Michele Dumond Mane Padme Hum
Here II Here…Ego
BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’
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…Moving through a Transition ?
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?
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