Dive in with Mike Zuckerman and ‘She’ as they share how we can prepare,
organize and deploy a plan for any natural or man made disaster.
Taking the time organize self and your community.
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Support Resources and Models to Inspire Action and Change:
(resources to prepare a kit for an emergency)
(model to bring to your community. Text alert in the event of a local emergency)
Playa Domes
(Shelter Systems domes have been used as Geodesic Domes are used as Yurts, Domes, Portable Geodesic Greenhouses, Emergency Disaster Relief Shelters,Tents, Portable Classrooms, Cabin Tents, Hot Tub and Spa Covers, Pool Covers, Guest Houses, Ski Huts, Base Camps, Youth Camps, Eco tourism Cabins, Camping Tents, Mobile Offices, Shade and Solar Structures…)
For Nuclear Fall-OUT
(if your community has Nuclear Power be prepared)
Have on hand Potassium Iodide
Seaweed as Protection from Radioactitvity
Kelp contains Iodine 127. Iodine 127 will prevent the body from absorbing radioactive iodine 131 which is constantly being released into our atmosphere by so-called normal operations of nuclear power plants and weapons facilities. Homeland security is a joke unless you have true security of good nutrition that includes Iodine 127 in your daily diet. This is specific protection for the thyroid gland, and you need to be aware that most nuclear pathologies in a disaster like Chernobyl are related to the intake of radioactive Iodine 131 into the thyroid gland. Rather than wait for the government to dispense potassium iodide to the population after a disaster occurs, eat kelp as part of your daily diet.
Kelp contains sodium alginate which is capable of binding with ingested particles of toxic strontium 90, cesium 137, and various heavy metals in the digestive tract, thus aiding the body in excreting radioactive fallout. After Chernobyl, the Russians isolated the polysaccharide U-Fucoidan in kelp, an excellent absorber of radioactive elements.
Others that work: Apples, Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue Green Algae, Sunflower Seeds (all good at removing heavy metals from the body)
Did you know that spirulina and chlorella have been studied for decades for their ability to help protect the body from radiation? Today Ethan Huff reports on the astounding science behind the use of microalgae for radiation protection and detoxification: More information about Spirulina.
Survival Supplies
(many companies out there…random link)
Inspiring SF coming together to clean up an Oil Spill
‘Kill the Spill”
Innovation: hair mats that remove oil and then become soil remediation
Matter of Trust
(Hair Mats)
Prepare the Gardens
Buy Seeds…Organic, NON-GMO, Local if possible and store or prepare a garden
Organize with neighborhood.
Finally…Stay InLove
Guided Meditation…Sound and Breath Circle cultivating inner PEACE
Click (HERE) to listen to or download in the next.
Sending The Vibration of LOVE around the entire planet
The Heart Sutra from Tibet
Click (HERE) to listen to or download in the next.
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