“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”― Rumi
Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the New Moon in a month currently identified as May in the 4th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition).
Spring and Fall moving quickly towards Summer and Winter in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The vibrant colors of nature are calling for your attention. As inspired, take a pause for the reminder of this day into tomorrow. Give yourself the space to BE and Listen. The NEW Moon and the season of SPRING/Fall continue to invite you to feel and abide in the sweet fragrances of the buddy flowers and to incorporate them into your meals, beverages and homes. In addition, the cosmic and earth plane welcome you to reorient from within. As our brother’s and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are deepen their relation in what it means to savor the changes of colors to clear their lungs (grief). Simultaneously, reorienting their creative energy to be utilized in a new way. In addition, our Brother’s and Sister’s in the Northern Hemisphere are continue to nourish their livers and transmute anger into patience. Which ultimately move into graceful action. No matter where you are on this earth…it will be necessary to REORIENT like a sailor out at sea when the winds change. Continue to listen, observe and plant your seeds with an engaged imagination calibrated with your vision.
As inspire, continue to purify and remain clear. The opposing forces are transmuting and separating from those who choose to free themselves from the ages of manipulation that have lead us to here. Manipulation will continue to be seen quickly. Truth and sincerity will be welcomed with radically honest candor. Trust will be built as an integral action, no longer woven by false promises, smokes+mirrors and the tricks we have participated. These spells are being broken. As inspired, REORIENT within your new found freedom.
Finally, the sky, sun, moon, stars, clouds, trees, earth and sea are communicating to each of you. They all run through you just like the divine energy and pure essence of love. When possible, take a few moments to engage with your mind’s eye, imagination and the wonderment of a child’s gaze and a heart of love. The buddying creative energy will assist you continue to honor mother earth’s Spring and Fall seasons with a gentle exchange of energies. As this dynamic exchange is in full motion. Remember to show up with self respect, worth, deep love for self and others…let go of the river banks (aka what you think you know). There is nothing to cling onto. Finally, if possible allow each and every moment to be a new moment and consciously take action for the benefit of all in the present moment and future moments.
As a gentle reminder, contemplate your humanity and your inner gifts are destined to serve others.
Love to all. Peace to all. Well Being to all.
The New Moon Moon Arrives(d) today, May 19 (18), 2023 at 8:53 A.M. PDT
The cause of suffering is that the unbounded Self is overshadowed by the world.” ~Patanjali
Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the Full Moon in a month currently identified as June in the 4th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition).
Spring and Fall moving quickly towards Summer and Winter in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The vibrant colors of nature are calling for your attention. As inspired, take a pause for the reminder of this day into tomorrow. Give yourself the space to BE and Listen for where you are ready to take action. The Full Moon and the season of SPRING/Fall continue to invite you to feel and abide in the sweet fragrances of the buddy flowers and to incorporate them into your meals, beverages and homes. In addition, the cosmic and earth plane welcome you to reorient from within. I welcome you to use your heart as your compass and to purify your sacred waters. As our brother’s and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are deepen their relation in what it means to savor the changes of colors to clear their lungs (grief)transform into JOY. Simultaneously, reorienting their creative energy to be utilized in a new way. In addition, our Brother’s and Sister’s in the Northern Hemisphere are continue to nourish their livers and transmute anger into PATIENCE. Which ultimately move into graceful action. No matter where you are on this earth…it will be necessary to REORIENT like a sailor out at sea when the winds change. Continue to listen, observe and plant your seeds with an engaged imagination calibrated with your vision.
As inspire, continue to purify and remain clear. The opposing forces are transmuting and separating from those who choose to free themselves from the ages of manipulation that have lead us to here. Manipulation will continue to be seen quickly. Truth and sincerity will be welcomed with radically honest candor. Trust will be built as an integral action, no longer woven by false promises, smokes+mirrors and the tricks we have participated. These spells are being broken. As inspired, REORIENT within your new found freedom…the divine love that runs through you will guide you forward.
Finally, the sky, sun, moon, stars, clouds, trees, earth and sea are communicating to each of you. They all run through you just like the divine energy and pure essence of love. When possible, take a few moments to engage with your mind’s eye, imagination and the wonderment of a child’s gaze and a heart of love. The buddying creative energy will assist you continue to honor mother earth’s Spring and Fall seasons with a gentle exchange of energies. As this dynamic exchange is in full motion. Remember to show up with self respect, worth, deep love for self and others…let go of the river banks (aka what you think you know). There is nothing to cling onto. Finally, if possible allow each and every moment to be a new moment and consciously take action for the benefit of all in the present moment and future moments. As a gentle reminder, contemplate your humanity and your inner gifts are destined to serve others.
Love to all. Peace to all. Well Being to all.
“Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart.” Patanjali
The Full Moon Moon Arrives(d) today, June 3 (4), 2023 at 8:52 P.M. PDT