LIVE with DeAnna Lam and Janet Allison we are going to dive into a conversation that will give us a powerful sampling of what they have to offer what they have to offer PARENTS, EDUCATORS & EXTENDED FAMILIES.
Click HERE to Listen!
Rites of Passage Audio Package (For Sale). Click HERE!
DeAnna Lam, Author of Becoming Peers- Mentoring Girls into Womanhood and A Diva’s Guide To Getting Your Period’
Janet Allison, Author of Boys Alive! Bring Out Their Best!
If you want to send in questions prior to the show email them to
Music by
Sacredness by Shylah Rah Sunshine
Connect with Upcoming Meditations, Retreats and Workshops!
Connect with ‘She’
She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide. She will connect you with Self through: Sound&Silence, Way of Yoga & Tea, Food Alchemy, Wisdom & Play.
Move into pregnancy, labor and motherhood with support and grace connect…Suzanne Toro?
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?Connect with Suzanne one-on-one…visit
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