Today was the Long Beach Marathon in a somewhat distant past I ran marathons, half marathons and triathlons. Life shifted drastically, way back when, and my running shoes slowly became walking shoes. I did not know if I would ever have the athlete back in me. Yet, this past spring, I began trekking. It was the way I trained for my first marathon the Jeff Galloway method. (A way to train yourself with a combination of running and walking). The process has been super humbling, here I use to train 60-80 miles per week at a competitive pace. In this moment, I had to let go of that memory of my past self. While, I humbly and quietly try to get my endurance back. Then, I would see if I wanted to race again.

Today, as I intersected the marathon and spotted the lead Male run it in for the 1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles) at a pace just over an hour. My heart skipped and filled with the race rush. Then, I descended down the hill and saw a sea of runners. As, I merged with the runners, I started to feel my heart release stored energy and tears began to roll down my face. I remembered that runner…the athlete. It felt like she resurrected inside of my heart….Hallelujah!
Over the past 4-5 months, I have realized my being is happier when I move for a long distances and hours on end. I have been a distance runner since I was in Junior High. For me when I run, the mind completely empties and my body finds a rhythm that feels like nirvana. I always said, if I ever made it back to running the 1/2 or the full marathon again, it would be from an easier place. My perspective and state of being is now in a very different place.
Today, I remembered what I love most about running races… it is the humanity and humility that is offered to anyone that has self awareness. Everyone has a different book cover, variable speed coupled with a capacity to achieve that which far exceeds anyone’s perception. It is an experience that I wish all of humanity could participate in. It brings forth an action from start to finish with a lot of in-between it is something one cannot put into words. In addition, you cannot really fake it because there is a destined finish. All of which graces each self with a perspective that is very personal to the inner landscape and overall state of being.
As inspired, if you left an aspect long behind that brought you great joy…consider meeting that aspect of self….AGAIN!
BeSimply…Ethics, Empathy + Generosity {Giving Tree}
Ethics, Empathy and Generosity are three efforts that work together. Nipun Mehta, Ian Baker and Yogic Practices assist us in retaining all three qualities.
From the Newly Released book by Ian Baker, ‘Tibetan Yoga, Principles and Practices’
“Since Everything is but an apparition
Perfect in being what it is,
Having nothing to do with good or bad,
Acceptance or rejection,
One might as well burst out laughing!”
Longchen Rabjampa Drime Ozer, 14th century (Read More…Click Here)

BeSimply…Emotions {LoveSelf}
Feel into the moment and learn how to share the emotions you want to build upon. Creating good vibrations with self and the world around you.

Bali Retreat
Take a Sacred Journey with ‘She’ (Aka Suzanne Toro)
An Ayurvedic Retreat and Zen Adventure ~Bali, Indonesia
November 2nd – November 9th ~ 8 Days/ 7 Nights
The Island “Gods” of Bali and Ocean’s Essence have called ‘She’ with the Energy of Shiva+Shakti leading her to offer a Zen Adventure, Vision Quest and Ayurvedic Retreat.
We will Play, Quest and Pray.
She has mindfully planned a journey that will leave you with a deeper understanding of Ayurveda, Zen Practices and Mind-Body-Heart-Soul Well Being. You will have new tools to balance your Dosha, techniques to deepen your practices in Yoga (Meditation, Pranayama, Asana and the entire ‘8’ Limb System). In addition, you will participate in sacred traditional ways that will connect you deeper to your soul, open your mind & heart to the unseen, assist you in embracing your free will, and guide you to rediscover harmony from within. Ultimately, you will BALANCE your Mind, Body, Heart and Soul.
Integrated into this adventure is a 3-day Vision Quest lead by ‘She’ that will be supported by several Sacred Ceremonies, Indigenous Practices and Mother Nature. ‘She’ will guide you; yet, you will discover ‘a vision’ to take home with you and integrate into your life.
This is a unique opportunity to experience life from all directions with the love and support from a compassionate team, traditional elders and a joyful guide…’She’. Come and enjoy this intimate retreat that will transform and regenerate you under the mindful eye of ‘She’ (Suzanne Toro) and the Island of Bali. Especially designed for those who want to deepen their inner wisdom (aka teachers), in healing & recovery from disharmony in the mind-body, in a life transition and/or ready to take a respite.
You will create peace, awaken a vision and unleash JOY.

Connect with Upcoming Meditations, Retreats and Workshops!

ECUaDOR Calling…
Are you ready to listen deeper and meet the guidance needed to meet your life with clarity, focus and ease. Indoor to Outdoor to Indoor Retreats & Quests
As we are entering the ‘Spring Season’ and as we migrate from repose to action, there is always plenty of time to connect with the retracting ‘Yin’ (Feminine) energy and the rising ‘Yang’ (Masculine) energy. By sitting in the silence, reflection, creativity and creating space for forward movement you will have better insight for where and how to direct your energy.

Taking time for a formal retreat (silent and/dharma focused), VisionQuest or DreamingQuest is an opportunity to deepen your spiritual practices, heal, transform and do focused inner work.
The retreat and quests are very private, held in remote locations and take focus. The results stay with you for the rest of this life and maybe into the next. My attention to detail, my guests well being, ancient traditions passed down to me and the support of my elders insures that I provided you with a safe and integral container to do the work in. In addition, my deep reverence for and relationship with Mother Nature create a supportive guide for your journey.
I am super excited to add Ecuador to be the hub for the private to semi-private Retreats, Pilgrimage, Quests & Journeys…from the Andean Mountains to the Sea.
Inquire, if you would like to learn more book your private, semi-private or small group retreat or Quest. Customized to meet the needs of the individual and group.