‘She’ stumbled upon Sobey’s TedX talk about Rites of Passage for renewal and sustainability, just as she was emerging from her own rite of passage. After spending time with elders and indigenous from around the world, she could not help but feel his authenticity and his ancient wisdom bellowing from his soul. That wisdom comes outward in such a humble and still manner that one will feel what Sobey embodies by just listening to him. ‘She’ received an added bonus to discover Sobey’s roots extend beyond Canada but to the Philippines. Two Places that she holds very sacred in her heart. Enjoy the wisdom Sobey offers from tribal harmonix, the dance community, indigenous traditions, service, community and more.
Please site back relax and enjoy, as Suzanne and Sobey Wing explore the possiblilities within our Rites of Passage.
Support the Tribe:
Shining a Light ON: Sobey Wing
Music: Phuture primitive Rites of Passage

Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition?
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food?
or Explore Dreams {the Astral World}?
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