Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute guided meditation.
During this segment: A meditation focused on clear vision!
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Connect with ‘She’
She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide. She will connect you with Self through: Sound&Silence, Way of Yoga & Tea, Food Alchemy, Wisdom & Play.
Sessions with ‘She’
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?Connect with Suzanne one-on-one…learn more here
Living TEA
to Explore Click (HERE)
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Want to reconnect with your environment and the alchemy of food?
Embrace the medicine of Essential Living Foods. Ascended Health ~ Energetic Healing Products 'She' especially loves and uses on a regular basis Sufi Bliss Ascension Oil and Oralive.