What a powerful…Penumbral Lunar Eclipse considered to be the “Black Moon” in conjunction with Jupiter…
The impact of these conjunctions affects our state of “being.” Please note you might be feeling emotional shifts, vulnerability, inward contemplations this can be attributed partially to that we have entered into a Gemini moon phase (hint..polarity) with a conjunction of Jupiter (Shining a light on the shadow and welcoming in highest self).
What does this mean…that Gaia has gifted ‘US’ all with an opportunity for Vision Quest. Yes, a 30 day journey till our next Full Moon on 12.28.12. This creates a perfect opportunity to go inward and stand still rather than get caught up in the movement of a busy December. Instead take some time to really BE with what is rising up in your life, especially if you are faced with doubt, certainty, freedom, fear, questions and opportunities. Take the time to ‘SIT’ before you dive into something or run from it…Often what stands before us has much greater depth than what meets the eye or the heart.
Shall we…journey together?
‘She’ might gently recommend…Feet to earth, eyes to sky, and gratitude in our hearts will serve ‘US’ well…remembering that which we cling onto only keeps ‘US’ from moving forward. ‘She’ finds solace in the surrender…and the PURGE!
Sending all of you the alchemy of the flower…may its medicine fill your heart with BLISS and hold you in center as we collectively take this spin through space on planet earth!
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition?
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?
or Explore Dreams {the Astral World}?
Connect with Suzanne one-on-one…visit SuzanneToro.com
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