The Alchemy of Food and Culture of Cooking and Dining. Engage with simple ways to interact with food, develop a new relationship with how and what you eat. Discover and reconnect new ways to nourish self, soil and society. Focus: Spring Transition to Summer…Fun Foods.
Recipes, Food Inspiration and Wisdom!
Music by: Album Fierce Wisdom by Chloe Goodchild Song: OmTara

Alchemy. . . Food . Water . Herbs + Tea

Human Intelligence
I have been exploring the reason for this fast and furious push for the adoption of AI (artificial intelligence). A push to make HUMans potentially more efficient, unintelligent and lazy within the same breath. Coupled with AI moving HUMANS further away from their innate INTELLIGENCE (more thank likely the biggest motive).
What I am not sure the BIG tech industry (who has held the drivers seat in rise of the tech world in the past 30-40 years) knows is HUMANITY WOKE UP. Not all but well more than the 100th monkey. In addition, Big TECH really shot themself in the foot with all the censoring. They literally missed out on collecting all the data from the one’s that woke up. Many have silently found ways to communicate, learn and work outside these devices. When the humans that are awake, type in a question to a search engine or even use AI, each self will quickly realize that it is all the SAME DATAthat has mislead HUMANITY UNTIL NOW. In addition, the DATA before the introduction of the first PC was also misleading (or shall we say embellished data of what really happened). Now, with the vast majority of HUMANS are awake. Where will the awaken ones be inclined to place their attention?
Are the HUMANS really going to ask AI to help them with their work, school work, relationships and/or speed up their reality further? To be noted, many are still synced up in the old programming loop and will engage; however, the answers will continue to be the same from within AI loop. The responses generated for the papers, proposals, social media, marketing pieces, business plans and more will quickly stand out and become obsolete. Simply because they will all be using data from the same old paradigm and creating an outdated feedback loop. Which leads me to many questions about ethics and intellectual property. For example, when I was in university, if we had another human do our work, it was grounds for expulsion. Now, we are going to encourage our students and all of society to cheat and steal. The AI road quickly leads this world system back to the same karmic loop we have been in for hundreds and thousands of years (potentially millions).
Which makes me realize…that AI kinda feels like playing PONG. While the system might move much faster. The speed is disappointing, similar to hard and fast moments in most aspects of life. They lead to NO WHERE and a lot of energy is wasted.
The big question for me is rather than create an artificial place for money to go. Coupled with another distraction taking away from the intrinsic value of HUMAN Intelligence. Why not get ahead of the CURVE. There is A SUNRISE (for humanity)….HUMan Intelligence. What does this mean? The investment is best to be authentically placed in HUMANITY.
HUMAN intelligence has already won. Now is the moment to give HUMAN BEINGS the space to breathe, create and reconnect to the innate intelligence of this world system. It does not require speed nor does it require anything artificial. Irregardless of the hidden history. Humanity…your humanness is precious.
Where do we start?
Engage Humanity and their innate Human Intelligence. Inspire them to be an accountable and motivated contributor to society serving with a human heart.
Are you ready? This is what and who we have been waiting for.
STEP ONE: Determine how awake you are. Do this be talking to people that do not hold the same world view.
STEP TWO: Go outside and see what you are naturally called to engage with…outside of any artificial interface or substance.
STEP THREE: Spend time there everyday. Record what awakens from within you.
STEP FOUR: Gather your information from HUMANS that have more to offer than a sound bite. Create community gatherings where you talk and share face to face. (HINT leave the phones in the car or at home).
STEP FIVE: Remember AI relies on HI. HI is interdependent with this world system. We are part of this system and have a valuable contribution. In addition, HUMANITY never agreed (tricks and manipulation do not count as consent). You as a human have the right to take back your precious energy and harness it. Reclaim…YOU.
As inspired, take some space to sit with my words and reflect from your heart to your mind and back to your heart. Finally, HAVE FUN, activate your Imagination and LEAN into the Possible.
(PS you AI lovers…understand this path is the only way that interface will have an opportunity to serve those who choose to engage. Otherwise, it will quickly be obsolete).
I love you HUMANITY. Shine BRIGHT.