“To ‘Be’ Seen”
Begin to understand why you feel the urge (the want) to be seen and heard! Discover practices that will assist each self to redirect the focus of the mind on cultivating your gifts and the way you live your life.
During this segment…’She’ will discuss “to be seen”. Finding the balance, harmony and peace. Tools to assist you on your journey with music from around the world to inspire inward wisdom to ripple up from within. Attune, Align, and take a few steps FORWARD! These segments are perfect for anyone walking through a life transition, disease, wanting to transform and authentically explore and align your inner landscape.
Music: Elizaveta Night Flyers,
Michelle Dumond Chandra,
Nahko and Medicine for the People Budding Tree,
Anne Heaton Pearl to Powder
Connect with Suzanne Toro for a session.
and on Itunes (Click Here)
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Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition ?
Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?
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