Mother’s Day is a Day for Peace and Unity
You are invited
to join a global synchronized circle
on Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 12th, from 1-2 pm New York time (-4UTC).
Mother’s Day was conceived in the 1600’s as a day to celebrate women’s vital role in peacemaking. It is celebrated in 44 countries around the world. We invite a return to that original intention, a global sisterhood of peace joined as one across tribes and nations. Multiple organizations are joining together to invite Mother’s Day observations which unite women as the original peacekeepers of the Earth.
Organizational Partners:
We are Enough, Mother’s Day Central, Gather the Women, Sage Woman Magazine, Grandmothers Circle the Earth Foundation, The Great Balance, BeSimply Radio, The Sound Essence Project, It’s All About We, New Dimensions Radio, Unity Church of Port Townsend, Women of Spirit and Faith, Earth Child Institute, Women’s Grassroots Congress, Womens Intercultural Network, Women’s World Summit Foundation, Light Pages, Standing Women, Circle Connections,The Heart to Lead, International Public Policy Institute, Spiritual Renaissance Center, Happehatchee, The Service Connection, International Youth Peace Conference
Are you an organization who would like to join as a partner? It’s free. Contact us.

The Mother’s Day Peace Prayer
This prayer comes from a sacred partnership between women of North America and South America, helping to live the prophecy: When the eagle representing North America and the condor representing South America fly together there will be peace. We give it to you both in written and spoken form in English and Spanish.
Women will connect through spirit and meditation, dancing and celebration, poetry and art, sending love and invoking a powerful intention as peacekeepers throughout the world.
Mother’s Day Peace Prayer (espanol)
Invoquemos el Poder del Amor Incondicional y el Compromiso de
las Madres y Abuelas de todos los rincones del planeta,
Para Despertar el Corazón Global de la humanidad, levantando Nuestras Voces en un Coro por la Paz.
Avancemos para movilizar la Humanidad hacia un Mundo más Solidario, Justo, Tolerante, Pacífico y en armonía con la naturaleza.
Que así sea.