How to:
Preheat the oven to 375°F., 45 minutes (until soft when you press on them)
1. Prick the potatoes a few times with a fork and bake them in the middle of the oven for 1 hour. Place in a roasting dish and lather with olive oil. Connect with the potatoes as you rub them down. You might even smile. Then place in the oven.
2. Bring them out of the oven and place a towel over to let them rest.
3. Gently cut the potatoes open and place butter inside, add paprika, salt, and pepper
4. Then brush with a small amount of olive oil and place back in the oven for 9 minutes.
5. Place on a platter and they are ready to serve.
Potatoes, are astringent, natures easy way to clean your face and heal skin wounds, burns and rashes. Potatoes are also soothing and cooling inflammation in the digestive tract. A good antioxidant, repairs tissue.
The fiber content of potatoes aids regular elimination and assists in binding overly loose stools. The heaviness of potatoes can make them difficult to digest for Vata. Simple fix, spice it up. A few suggestions, add spices like turmeric, cumin, thyme or black pepper.
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