Summer Cleanse. Fresh Seasonal Plant Based Cleanse with Tea and Juices. Conducting a cleanse between the transitions of seasons will assist you in retaining well being and balance (Mind, Body, Heart and Soul). This Summer Cleanse will help you detoxify and guide you into balanced summer nutrition. It will open your heart and clear your mind. In addition, the custom cleanse will assist you to shed, maintain, or gain weight with a lifestyle plan for summer. Finally, this cleanse will be designed custom for your constitution. One size does not fit all.
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Summer (Northern Hemisphere)

Winter (Southern Hemisphere)
Custom blended self massage body oils, teas and seasonal spice blends available ala Carte.
Immune Boost + Retain Well Begin

#springvirtue #patience #shinymirror #vitaminc #anger #action #clarity #zinc #stopvirus #sunshine #chaga #exercise

The trend of yoga, mindfulness, ritual and spiritual mystique that has become commonplace in health, wellness, business, entertainment, athletics and personal lives globally. In fact, it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In addition, there are billions of photos on the World Wide Web documenting and expressing these practices, teachings, selfies, goods and more. All of which probably support and inspire many in one way or another. Yet, are any of these odes truly a sign of one’s level of consciousness or indicator they ARE or Soon TO BE” enlightened?
I would respond, “NO.” In fact, it is quite the opposite. Most of what is portrayed as sacred or wisdom has an essence of grasping underplayed by the beautiful mask that is offered. The mask contains seeds that will eventually awaken in the pretender and in those who sip it up. (Click Here to Read More)
On-Going Food Alchemy Class Mind You + Food: Unlock Your Potential

Ecuador Adventure 2021

Bali Adventure 2021

Monthly Sol+Luna Support & Nourishment
Feel into the moment and learn how to share the emotions you want to build upon. Creating good vibrations with self and the world around you.