This recipe is a spanish staple with a peruvian influence. In addition, these potatoes have many medicinal and nourishing benefits that feed us all. During the summer months, it is a great time to prepare a picnic and eat out doors. Furthermore, these delights can be prepared ahead of time and travel well to the park, hiking trail and/or beach. In addition, the potatoes are not looked at with great reverence. As inspired, think about making a some papas bravas early in the morning and save them for your outdoor adventure.
A few fun facts, Peru is the gatekeeper to more than 3800 varieties of potatoes. These sustainable treasures date back at least 10,000-13,000 years. They are a deeply valued part of the Peruvian culture. In addition, “Potatoes in Peru are also sometimes used for holistic remedies and medicines. They are said to have medicinal properties for relieving headaches and treating skin irritation. They have also been used as an anti-aging tool in skincare. And of course, potatoes can be used to make compounds like flour and alcohol.” ~Aracari
As inspired, welcome these wonders into your summer menu. To keep your body temperature cool, eat this recipe at room temperature or in the brisk evenings.

12 baby new potatoes, scrubbed and pat dry
Olive oil, to brush on potato skins
Sweet paprika and oregano, to sprinkle on potato skins
Salt (coarse preferred) and pepper (chili pepper if you like)
How to:
Preheat the oven to 375°F., 45 minutes (until soft when you press on them)
1. Prick the potatoes a few times with a fork and bake them in the middle of the oven for 1 hour. Place in a roasting dish and lather with olive oil. Connect with the potatoes as you rub them down. You might even smile. Then place in the oven.
2. Bring them out of the oven and place a towel over to let them rest.
3. Gently cut the potatoes open and place butter inside, add paprika, salt, and pepper
4. Then brush with a small amount of olive oil and place back in the oven for 9 minutes.
5. Place on a platter and they are ready to serve.
Great for a picnic and can be stored at room temperature till you are ready to enjoy.
Summer Balance…Reboot, Nourish & Cleanse

Food Alchemy is one of my passions and gifts. I found this picture on “facebook”. The memory reminded me of all the fun I had preparing for this photoshoot and Summer cooking classes. I wanted to share an adapted offering for summer cooking classes. To be noted, Summer Cooking Classes (all seasonal classes) are a special way to learn about food and nourish your family and friends. (Read More..Click Here)
Summer Cleanse. Fresh Seasonal Plant Based Cleanse with Tea and Juices. Conducting a cleanse between the transitions of seasons will assist you in retaining well being and balance (Mind, Body, Heart and Soul). This Summer Cleanse will help you detoxify and guide you into balanced summer nutrition. Furthermore, the cleanse will open your heart and clear your mind. In addition, the custom cleanse will assist you to shed, maintain, or gain weight with a lifestyle plan for summer. Finally, this cleanse will be designed custom for your constitution. One size does not fit all.

Does Stevia Help with Weight Loss?

Immune Boost + Retain Well Begin

A great complement to the seasonal cooking classes, is this On-Going Food Alchemy Class Mind You + Food: Unlock Your Potential. This program works in conjunction with all my offerings. These classes will all be going to a virtual program and one-on-one opportunities remain in person and via video call.