Meditation. Presence. Be.
Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation. Sound and Silence Meditation…BE
One of the side effects of meditation is presence in everyday life. By taking time daily to meet yourself in silence, you will find stillness and the ‘be’ help you throughout your day. In addition, you will discover the roller coaster of thoughts and emotions will start to diminish. When you free up your mind and heart, you will have more space to engage with what is unfolding around. You have less distractions and quickly discern what is available to support your everyday life.
Call to Action…If you are inspired to nourish your mind, body, heart and soul, take 10-15 minutes a day to just sit and do nothing in silence. In addition, add in a guided meditation to assist helping you cultivate your practice. Ultimately, you will want to move to just sitting in silence.
A guided meditation to connect you to the your ‘Breath, your CENTER’, inner peace and Sound coupled with Silence!
Connecting to your Peace, Voice and Heart!
Music ‘She’ and Jeepney Music
If you want to learnt to meditate, deepen your practice or receive dharma teachings…Contact with ‘She’ at
BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)
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A Guided Mantra Meditation to connect you to the your ‘Breath, your CENTER’, inner peace and So Hum. Sound, Breath and Silence! Invoke the mantra of SoHum. A mantra meditation practice is a useful tool to assist you in quieting the mind, body, heart and soul. The repetition of the mantra will create the space need to dip into your inner quiet. The benefit of access your stillness is that you create the space to replenish and rejuvenate your mind, body and heart. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to take break from the outside world and be with self. (Click Above to Listen and Learn More)
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Cause and Effect. Moving from feelings… to our emotions into ACTION.
You can feel, emote and move into action for the benefit of self and others. Present moment awareness is a powerful practice. However, it is easy to forget (or not completely understand) that your current actions are paving the way into your future. (Read More Click Above)
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