I welcome you to enjoy this moment. Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow.
The Full Moon Arrives(d) tomorrow January 17, 2021 at 3:51 AM PST (-7UTC). AN OPPORTUNITY to listen deeply, observe (pause), see what is and move into action.
Stay Focused, Listen and Observe what is arriving in and around you. We are in the full energy of the Feminine (Winter) and Masculine (Summer). By listening deeper and paying attention to what arises on this FULL Moon. Then, take that information and return your focus to what will benefit your great work and serve those around you.
Feel Free to Listen to this in that moment or in your natural flow.
Sound: Cosmic Keys + Fire + Air by Suzanne Toro (Produced Dante Marino)
The Circle: by Cadre Scott and Dante Marino
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