Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute guided meditation. Exploring the “CALM”. Taking a Pause. A guided meditation with sounds and frequencies that will open and balance your heart, mind, body and soul.

Want to explore and reconnect with ‘self’ take a moment to work with Suzanne one-on-one explore your inner self, actualize your vision, move through a transition or reconnect with the alchemy of food.

BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)

Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation. Sound & Silence Meditation and the magical sounds by Random Rab. …Exploring the Mind’s Eye and the sound Sham. More than not we engage our thoughts with an intuition. Rather than, muddy the information it is best to take in what your intuition is telling you and let it be. What happens when you give your intuition the space to integrate into your present life it feeds you with facts to support what you have felt into. It is with those facts that you can employ critical thinking and integrate the intuition. This is how you work with both your intellect and intelligence in the present moment.
Music She’ and Random Rab Nartha Check out his NEW Album.

Random Rab’s new album ANEW is available on March 1st. Music by RandomRab.
Check out his site for updates and upcoming events. Order HIS Album NOW…
Want to develop a meditation practice and learn how to integrate teachings with your practice. Contact Suzanne (She) at suzannetoro@gmail.comSuzanne Toro
Episode 1096
Random Rab’s new album ANEW is available on March 1st. Music by RandomRab.
Check out his site for updates and upcoming events. Pre-Order Your Album NOW…

BeSimply…Breathe {Sound&Silence}
Want to develop a meditation practice and learn how to integrate teachings with your practice. Contact Suzanne (She) at
Connect with Suzanne to learn how to deepen your practice.
Connecting to your Peace, Voice and Heart!

Higher Vibration Meditation. Find Your Crown.
A 15 minute guided meditation that will connect you to your inner silence and crown chakra. The intention behind this meditation is to raise your frequency to a higher vibration and sit with your highest self. Our crown chakra will guide us to our innate gifts. We have the opportunity to offer these gifts to the world around us. Furthermore, these inner strengths are an extension of the service we can offer to others. These gifts are not limited to one specific focus nor do will they be defined by what society might think you should focus on. These gifts are an expression of the eternal being (aka your soul). When, you take time to serve with and refine your innate gifts something magical will start to happen around you. You will be surprised at how clear you are and certain where to focus your energy.
Listening and participating in guided meditations is an effective way to start a meditation practice. The result of a meditation practice can lead you to inner peace. In addition, you will find a deeper connection to life, self, the breath, the sound and silence.
Connect with ‘She’
Bare Naked Bliss
Meditations-Audio Book
BareNakeBliss e-book
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Do you want to learn how to meditate, dharma teachings and have a teacher help you deepen your practice?
Schedule a Session with Me at the link below or email me at
Additional Meditations Below…
Free Will Meditation…Let Go.
Sound and Silence Meditation…Embracing Freedom. The most direct way to access your inner freedom and free will is to have a daily practice of meditation. Even if it is for 5 minutes that will be the foundation you can lay to your personal practice. In addition, meditation will bring you to a natural state of healing and regeneration.
Practice Presence. A regular, meditation practice will assist you in cultivating inner peace and presence. One of the side effects of meditation is presence in everyday life. By taking time daily to meet yourself in silence, you will find stillness and the ‘be’ help you throughout your day. In addition, you will discover the roller coaster of thoughts and emotions will start to diminish. When you free up your mind and heart, you will have more space to engage with what is unfolding around. You have less distractions and quickly discern what is available to support your everyday life. Finally, you will creating an inner calm that will help you reduce stress and anxiety on a daily basis.
(Click Here)
Heart Meditation and mantra practice…A meditation attuning to your heart center.

(Click Here to Listen)
As we explore the heart center, you will become present with the emotions and energy that is moving in and out of your heart center. This meditation is an opportunity to clear the heart and open it up.

Chakras. Meditation. Balance from Within.
Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation. Sound and Silence Meditation..Balance from Within. Chakra Balancing.
Chakras are energy centers that assist us in retaining balance in our energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. These energy centers connect to nerve centers located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each one assists us in accessing what we need within our mind, heart, body and soul. Next, when we take time to focus our breath and place attention on these areas we will identify where we need support. These energy centers provide a bridge of communication from the quantum field of the universe to your physical body. You can imagine each one as a communication portal. This meditation will help you feel into opening each energy center (chakra). Finally, during this meditation you connect with these 7 chakra centers:
Muladhara (Root)
Svadhisthana (Sacral)
Manipura (Solar Plexus)
Anahata (Heart)
Vishuddha (Throat)
Ajna (Third Eye)
Sahaswara (Crown)

3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’