During this segment: Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self? We will explore the releasing of anxiety. How to live from as stress free center. Parables shared…Walk through…
During this segment… ‘She’ will discuss let go of the emotions connected to alone and discover how you can rely on yourself. Liberate the mind, body and/or soul. Listen to Part 2.18…
Manipulation. How to learn to stand in your own truth and avoid being manipulated and/or manipulate others. The need to control or be controlled is rooted in a base fear. We will explore fears, manipulations, and the practice to release the cycle or manipulation.
Join ‘She’ for a segment explore living and loving from the INside OUT!
She will share a parable, take you through a guided imagery to reveal more about ‘self’, and inspire you with some simple practices for everyday living.
During this segment…’She’ will discuss “gulltony”. Discover how heal, practice restraint and let go of pacifying self with over indulgence of any kind. She will share how to find the…
We will explore the mind, speech and actions. Connecting to a simple method of removing the obstacles within our everyday life and the within the world around us. Access alignment with self, our life, the world and the universe.
The Sacral Region. Healing, Transforming and Embodying the Sacredness… Part II Become Empowered by the Possibility. What it is and how we can stop participating. The path to healing…How to…
Focus…”Walking Alone”…Identify the “red flags” and find the power of walking alone. At certain points in our life this is necessary to grow, transform and welcome in the new. Sit in what she calls the GAP!
Join ‘She’ for 54 minutes to work on the Inner Self. During this segment: Marvin Gay sang it…”Sexual Healing”. In this moment when there are still unthinkable atrocities affecting children…
Focus…”Honesty”…Take responsibility for your being honest with yourself and others. Discover practices that will assist each self to redirect the focus of this emotion.