Heart Matters. Breathe Easy. “Anything you set your mind to is possible. Anything you hold with your heart with is supported by the divine. Combine both attentions and all becomes possible.“ sT
“The natural state of the mind is calm and empty, like the surface of a still lake.” ~Patanjali This Sol + Luna Cycles Segment Includes: The Fall/Spring Full Moon Musings, Silent Meditation and Sound-Electromagnetic Therapy.
A clear mind. During Fall and Spring, emotions are more likely to rise and fly around. The external world near you will help you release these emotions. Moments will arrive and potentially poke and push your electro-magnetic and emotional systems.
Sound Therapy. I see the rise of this sacred modality becoming an ‘industry’ potentially serving in many directions. However, when anything becomes an ‘industry’, a slippery slope can suddenly arrive. The foundation can quickly fall away.
Late SUMmer arrives with this NEW Moon. A moment to find a most certain calm and lay to rest any and all ‘worry’. It is that sweet spot when our collective energy is held in the YIN across the earth plane.
Lunar Meditations. An invitation to GROUND. Rebuild Trust. Deepen your inner knowing. Exploring new ways to find sacred devotion to your great work. This new moon transmission includes a story to help you remember of the deeper origins of our ancestor’s footprints.
This Meditation, Sound Healing and Dharma Talk. Week: Grounding in the beauty of the mother. Embracing your capacity to help each other grow. As we align and remember we are in a regenerative field of energy. (AKA Earth)