“Aversion is a form of bondage. We are tied to what we hate or fear. That is why, in our lives, the same problem, the same danger or difficulty, will present itself over and over again in various prospects, as long as we continue to resist or run away from it instead of examining it and solving it.” Patanjali
Focus: We are rolling into a moment here on planet earth that will call all those courageous enough to stand in radical honesty with self and others. The ‘truth’ everyone is calling for will first be realized from within. Then, the practice begins. Take a few moments for yourself and dive into your inner landscape.
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
“And that is the essence of wisdom—to be in harmony with nature, with the natural rhythm of the universe. And whenever you are in harmony with the natural rhythm of the universe, you are a poet, you are a painter, you are a musician, you are a dancer.”
― Osho,
Random Rab
Eat Ya Greens: Cadre Scott
Sound Suzanne Toro Produced by Dante Marino