Food Alchemy…Fall Recipes. Fall Nourishment. Empower YOU!
First, she will share fall recipes and how to nourish self with fall foods. In addition, you will learn how to embrace the season of letting go. Discover how to shed that which no longer serves, transform the energy that you take in and the transition eating habits with fall foods. Finally, she will share how to find the root issue and simple practices to start to transform how you are see self, food and the world around you.
Find the Gap. Tools to assist you on your journey with music from around the world to inspire inward wisdom to ripple up from within. Attune, Align, and take a few steps FORWARD! These segments are perfect for anyone walking through a life transition, suffering from PTSD, anxiety, stress, any ‘dis’ease, wanting to transform and authentically explore and align your inner landscape.
Music: Alanis Morissette
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Suzanne Toro
Food Alchemy with ‘She’ ~ Fall Cleanse…3, 5, 8, 13 or 21
On-Going Food Alchemy Class , Food Alchemy Cooking Class ,
Respect Yourself. Food Alchemy and Well Being.
An opportunity to start taking care of you. We are swiftly moving into summer season (in North America). Summer encourages you to move into action and support your entire well being. First, I will share the importance of learning how to respect your mind, heart, body and soul. When you sharpen your ability to listen for what is needed in each moment, the listening will empower you to become self-reliant. Second, we will explore how to access local, organic food that is prepared with love. In addition, I will encourage you to practice making food from a place of love. Third, I will share how to identify where your imbalances are in the mind, body, heart and soul. There are simple techniques that will enable you to self identify what you need. Finally, I will encourage you to practice being present with how, when, where and why you are consuming food. These subtle shifts in your lifestyle will help you in respecting yourself. When you respect you, it is easier for you to respect others.
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Fall Cleanse. Fresh Seasonal Plant Based Cleanse with Tea and Juices. Conducting a cleanse between the transitions of seasons will assist you in retaining well being. This Fall Cleanse will help you detoxify and guide you into balanced Fall nutrition. In addition, this cleanse will assist you to shed, maintain, or gain weight with a lifestyle plan for Fall.
Fall Cleanse, Tea and Juice Cleanse
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The Plant Based Cleanse is a very gentle cleanse that will detoxify your entire system (mind, body, heart and soul). This particular cleanse is suitable for all body types will be modified to fit your individual needs and constitution. This cleanse consists of taking in a plant based mono-diet, which will allow the digestive system to take a much-needed break, giving it new light and the ability to properly flush out toxins in the system. In addition, you will have tea, spice and juice blends made custom for you. Suzanne makes herself available to you during the cleanse, provides sound therapy on the way in and on the way out of the cleanse. In addition, encourages you to become self aware of where you are ready to heal, transform and take action in your life.
Furthermore, the cleanse is offered in conjunction with or separate from, a holistic program that unlocks the student’s potential. Another option, is to participate in the cleanse independently. Suzanne instructs her class with an integrative approach. The class is a blend of wisdom of Chinese, Tibetan, Native American, Ayurvedic and Yogic systems. She couples this with knowledge from her combined 30 years of experience as an endurance athlete, who trained as a swimmer, marathon runner and yogi. In addition, her practical knowledge of how she retains balance and restored harmony in her life while raising a family, transitioned through major life changes, built her own businesses and consulted on a variety of business projects.
In the Mind You and Food: Unlocking Your Potential class, students learn how to develop a healthier relationship with food, self and others. Furthermore, they will unlock their potential and transform their lifestyle. Simultaneously, the participants will identify current imbalances. The students will learn how to transform their disharmony. Suzanne’s techniques give the students the skills to bring the entire body into balance. The results include well being, motivation, increased creativity and self-worth. In addition, each student will learn how, when and why to support your entire being (mind, body, heart and soul).
The results within the class and begin to be realized during a cleanse will include: develop and maintain a holistic relationship with self & others, reduce and eliminate stress/anxiety, learn how to harness your full potential, maintain a lifestyle that supports your well being and remember your worth. It is important not to use cleansing or diets to fix a perception of your body. It is better to heal the psycho-spiritual root cause and make healthy lifestyle changes. Trend juice cleansing and fasting can lead you into binge eating patters and to develop an unhealthy relationship with self. This cleanse is a great way to deepen the understanding of the classes lessons and/or an opportunity to start the process with a cleanse.
Healthy Eating Habits. Spring Cooking. Learn how to listen to your body. Deepen your connection to yourself.
The Alchemy of Food and Culture of Cooking and Dining. Engage with simple ways to interact with food, develop a new relationship with how and what you eat. Discover and reconnect new ways to nourish self, soil and society. Exploring your ROOTS through your culture and heritage. Establishing Healthy Food Habits.
Click (HERE) to Learn More.
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Food Alchemy. A segment dedicated to educating you about how to nourish all of you. During this episode, She will share how to make Mango Lassi, Watermelon Soup, and the value of Nut Milks. Including the medicine from the coconut and simple ways to use it in your cooking and on your body. Furthermore, She will share a perspective on food that has been past down from our ancestors that is rooted in simplicity and the seasons.
Music by: Xavier Rudd Comfortable in my SKIN
Earth Prayer: Ena Vie
Watermelon Recipes
Mango Lassi
BeSimply…Move int Action {LoveSelf}
Cause and Effect. Moving from feelings… to our emotions into ACTION.
You can feel, emote and move into action for the benefit of self and others. Present moment awareness is a powerful practice. However, it is easy to forget (or not completely understand) that your current actions are paving the way into your future.
BeSimply…Flowing into Spring {Food Alchemy}
Spring Season. We will explore spring time and check into how to listen to your body and identify if your liver energy is moving in harmony to support your daily life. Great to connect with if you are living in the Southern Hemisphere.
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’
Connect with Upcoming Meditations, Retreats and Workshops!
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?
…Moving through a Transition ?
She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide.
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Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?
Living TEA
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